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Tomato Porn

So what if Frost Free Day is still nearly two weeks away. I'm loving this.


Even better, this is what will be coming soon. They are growing on an, get this, ITC-06-313 plant:


I found a small one today that was red-ripe and had been in 90 degree heat. Popped it in my mouth and bit into it: 7th Heaven! The juice exploded, filling my mouth with that almost sweet yet slightly acidic taste that only a summer grown, vine-ripened tomato can mimic. That one-minute experience almost makes up for the hours of work and hundred of kilowatts it took to produce it. But I know more are on the way!

Ciao Mike-

Dood, what does "ITC-06-313 plant" mean?

Glad you're loving your ripe tomato-ness. The closest I am to that is a hanging basket with 2 Ditmarshers loaded with flowers and some fruit-set, very small, but still, fruit-set.
I can't wait. I have Brandywine, Purple Cherokee, and Boxcar Willies waiting to go in the ground. Should be a great tomato season if I can keep everyone alive and producing.
My goal is to never again, at least until I get too old to move, is eat a store-bought tomato again. I figure that even if I get immobile (hopefully not before I'm 110 years old) I will move my lights and buckets into my living room. They may need to replace some furniture but hey, it's easier to do without a sofa than tasty tomatoes!

wordwiz said:
... That one-minute experience almost makes up for the hours of work and hundred of kilowatts it took to produce it. But I know more are on the way!


I am glad this day finally came for you Mike. I knew it would be all worth it in the end. And admit it, even with all the headaches you still had fun.
They are starting to ripen and I can pick 2-3 a day. Here's five of them


The one on the left is an ITC-06-313, to the right a Legend.
