Thanks man. Hope your right. They're saying it will be a stormy summer here :/
Thank you so much. I really am impressed with that plant especially with it just being an experiment.
A few more pods forming on this Peach Wasp
Horrible storms have hit my soil plants two days in a row. Can you tell which way the wind was blowing?
Some new pods forming up on my weird Reaper plant.
Ever seen a pissed of pod? LOL. Cant bring myself to cut it off yet cuz its just got...
So for any of you who have had the pleasure of checking out Juanitos DIY Led Instructable here :
And thought to yourself that you might want to give it a shot then here is your chance to grab some of the materials needed without the month long...
False albacore would be another name given to the fish pictured above (Little Tunny) by folks that fish in the northeast. So you got the guys from the south calling them "bonita" and then people from the north calling them "false albacore". Poor fish can't catch a break.
They are not very good...
Yup the first one is an amberjack. The other one with the yellow fins is a jack crevelle. You should have Jacks near shore no matter where your at in florida.
The state record is an Atlantic Bonito, but it is not what your thinking of. The fish commonly called a "bonito" or "bonita" in florida...
ok yea you know what now I remember I had that problem with GH. When I used it during the winter my ph would also rise after a few days. I switched to technaflora and canna nutrients. It's got something in it to automatically adjust as the plant feeds. You should really look into changing...
Lol oh duh that would make more sense. I like the idea of this. Seems like it would be less work than dwc and such. Since you have done both would you say this grows just as fast as regular hydro.
With a res that big the PH should remain stable. Wonder whats going on to make it swing that high? The only thing that shoots my PH that high is when it rains. Have you gotten any rain?
Ohhhhh I didnt even know this thread existed.
Here are just a few of fish pics over the course of my life
Please excuse my fatness in the first one
This was just a few months ago
Oh and I have a state record in Florida
Thank you for the kind words. I hope they do. I will tell you one the thing though the soil plants are 1% of the work compared to the hydro. Not that the Hydro is unbearable, its just that I forget they are even there sometimes.
Means a lot coming from you. Your powders are amazing. Almost...