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  1. smileyguy697

    zero heat

    Thanks guys! You are all such a great help! I appreciate the generosity and I'm sure he will also! It's going to be a great season and I couldn't do it without people like you! Mike
  2. smileyguy697

    zero heat

    I'm looking for something to grow for my 3 year old this season. He loves gardening with me and likes peppers a lot. Lol.. Its actually kinda funny cause he had jimmy nardello the last 2 seasons and would walk around the yard chowing down. I also buy him sweet peppers from the store and he loves...
  3. smileyguy697

    CLOSED - My Cyber Monday Seed Giveaway

    Nice giveaway!!
  4. smileyguy697

    auction Hot Pepper Powder Charity Auction - CLOSED

    Nice to see you do this again! I think this is a great idea and that's A LOT of powders! $10
  5. smileyguy697

    awesome white bhut mutation

    That is really cool! I've had double pods before but can't say I've ever seen one like that before!
  6. smileyguy697

    Thanksgiving Give Away - Winner Announced

    Sweet giveaway!! 123 Thanks Mike
  7. smileyguy697

    To the pros - if you were to give your best advice on first time growers what would it be ?

    Don't over think things.. It's not rocket science!
  8. smileyguy697

    pests A novel approach to aphids

    Why not just buy some if needed? I mean just to get a jump on things! I like the flower/shub idea and it sounds like if they're happy they'll stay.. They are fairly inexpensive.
  9. smileyguy697

    wanted SASBE - Isolated (yellow) MOA & Bahamian Goat give away to the first 10 members ~closed~

    pepperlover, mpicante, shortcuttohell and salderas going out tomorrow. Looks like I'm waiting on nearday and that's a wrap!
  10. smileyguy697

    wanted SASBE - Isolated (yellow) MOA & Bahamian Goat give away to the first 10 members ~closed~

    Hope you enjoy them!! I have tctenten, alchymystic and scottmanb going out today.
  11. smileyguy697

    Seeds - UK

    Why they got to come from UK? I'd hate fakes from another country. Lol..
  12. smileyguy697

    sfrb Brazilian Starfish ~closed~

    Sadly I do not. It's winter here now so I'm done until spring. Maybe another member might though?
  13. smileyguy697

    wanted SASBE - Isolated (yellow) MOA & Bahamian Goat give away to the first 10 members ~closed~

    First sasbe was recived from fiogga yesterday and sent today.. Second and third were recived today and will go out tomorrow.. Jackson13 and FGpepperguy
  14. smileyguy697

    Sad little Scorpion

  15. smileyguy697

    cold front coming, what to do?

    They will be fine
  16. smileyguy697


    I'm in Joe. Nice offer! Pm sent
  17. smileyguy697

    Rooting Question

    Keep it in indirect light until it roots. I'm doubting it will root without moving air bubbles in the water though. Bet you could find a cheap-o air pump and stone at Walmart. As long as the cut is in the bubbles I can almost guarantee it will root in about 2 weeks.
  18. smileyguy697

    Rooting Question

    Look around.. You might be able to find some of this stuff cheaper. Example the net pots and neoprene collars come together in ten packs sometimes.