I added organic choice soil, with bone meal, to a plastic cup with a hole at the bottom and put that cup inside of another filled with water, I put one seed in each cup. This was on Thursday of last week, I have to admit that the soil was not just wet it was soaked. One of the cups has mold on...
My light: http://homedepot.digby.com/homedepot/product/detail.do?itemId=100676712&categoryId=&path=
I used cups to plant seeds
I just ordered a tent
My soil is organic choice with bone meal
A few questions
1. How much water and soil do I add to the cups?
2. What temperature should I keep the...
Is this http://homedepot.digby.com/homedepot/product/detail.do?itemId=100676712&categoryId=&path=
OK for growing
P.S. I am new to this whole growing thing
Hello I have just recently become a pepper head and I joined this site for advice and possible connections to rare seeds. I know this sounds stupid, but I want to grow the butch t for my first ever pepper season. Just a little bit about myself.