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  1. sinensis

    sinensis grow log 2019 (with tomato grafting!)

    cutting looks about the same or a little worse:     the new growth on the stem is looking good though. i know i'll get a yaki blue out of this one way or the other  :dance:             the tomatoes are monsters growing super fast. next year, i'll probably start them later than peppers. didn't...
  2. sinensis

    Curled and stunted pepper fruit

    plant looks good, i don't think it's lack of food.   is this the first real wave of pods?   i wonder if it's just genetics.   i've seen that before with reapers. for me, it seemed the plant just had to get more established, and on subsequent blooms, the fruits were larger and had the proper...
  3. sinensis

    Must have peppers of 2019

    i did 24hr water soak but not peroxide
  4. sinensis

    Curled and stunted pepper fruit

    let's see the plants
  5. sinensis

    sinensis grow log 2019 (with tomato grafting!)

      which ones are you thinking? have you tried any of the NuMex offerings? this is my first time trying them. i have 6-4 and big jim going.   i also have NuMex Sandia seeds too but haven't used them. maybe i should try a couple. why not
  6. sinensis

    water Bottom watering

    moss seems particularly susceptible to this. once it gets below a certain moisture content, it becomes hydrophobic and then is a real bitch to evenly rehydrate. i hate it. commercial mixes address this by using wetting agents (surfactants).
  7. sinensis

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

      ROT13: SEBZ LB ZNZN   da comrade, transaction's complyted
  8. sinensis

    Must have peppers of 2019

      i'm failing at the goat as well. in early june 2018, i got seeds from WHP. i tried to grow a few last year, and i don't think any sprouted. i put 5 in the germination chamber this year, and same story so far. it's the only variety with 0 sprouts yet. anyone else have issues with WHP goat seeds...
  9. sinensis

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

    2 of them sprouted, you guys are in trouble now! (8 days after soaking fyi)  
  10. sinensis

    sinensis grow log 2019 (with tomato grafting!)

    clone update   the cutting looks pissed. i wonder if it will survive.   yesterday (the day after cutting), i saw that it was really wilting. i looked up reasons for wilting when cloning, and possibilities include too much light, too much heat, not enough humidity.   i got rid of the ziplock...
  11. sinensis

    nutrients Megacrop, J. R. Peter's, and other dry nutes

    The 22lb bag is up to ~$83 now. Anyone still using it?
  12. sinensis

    2019 Hay Bale Pepper Patch

    awesome stuff all around. i ordered some of those 14x16cm seedling bags   $5.41 shipped from cali:   there were slightly cheaper options direct from china
  13. sinensis

    sinensis grow log 2019 (with tomato grafting!)

    the pod looked ripe (deep purple), so i plucked it and took a bite.   unripe pod! :( either color alone isn't a good ripeness indicator for yaki blue, or a lot of the new color development was due to sun scald from being close to the lights.   the seeds inside were still green, and i couldn't...
  14. sinensis

    lighting LED Shop Light 135 Watts (Ghetto Build)

      regarding quantum boards (QBs)...   i believe the term 'quantum' specifically refers to a style of LED grow light popularized by HLG, and the term was coined by them. it consists of a PCB densely populated with surface mount LEDs as an alternative to COBs or LED strips. the PCB features high...
  15. sinensis

    sinensis grow log 2019 (with tomato grafting!)

    i haven't chatted with him since last year, idk what he's up to. hope all is well =\   right now i'm actually only running two adjacent bulbs at one edge of the fixture (bulbs 1 & 2).     i haven't finished experimenting with it, but it seems that for my fixtures: there are 6 bulbs the bulbs...
  16. sinensis

    sinensis grow log 2019 (with tomato grafting!)

    transfered sprouted pepper seeds from my germination chamber to the cell tray with potting mix   also started 3 each of maxifort and estamino     aji fantasy (top right cell) is ahead of the pack. thanks, bhuter!
  17. sinensis

    Free Logo, Label and other design services

    sending you a pm!
  18. sinensis

    cooking Fermentation Vs. Boiling Chillis ?

    nice, would love to see a pic   you make it with fresh chilies, correct? or dried?
  19. sinensis

    sinensis grow log 2019 (with tomato grafting!)

    i opened up the ballast enclosure on one of the lights and rewired it without the motion sensor and propped it up on a couple of chairs for now. seedling tray underneath.   i didn't have the seedling dome vents open enough and it got kinda hot in there (not sure how hot, didn't have a...
  20. sinensis

    lighting LED Shop Light 135 Watts (Ghetto Build)

    most PSUs are constant voltage yea   for something like an xbox it would be for sure   maybe you could run half of it on a second xbox psu if you've got one around?