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  1. B

    Is this BLS?

      Thanks LP! I embedded them.         I did spray this plant the other day after the light was off. I wish I would have taken some pictures of the leaves that I pruned last week, as they were worse.     This plant is about 30" below a 600w HPS, with good airflow. Do you think that's my problem?
  2. B

    food Bhut Vodka

    Great idea. I will have to try that.
  3. B

    Is this BLS?

    Hello All, I have a White (Peru) Habanero plant growing indoors that has developed spots on its leaves. I pruned about 25-30 leaves off of it about a week ago, and thought I was okay. I also spayed the leaves with water and a pinch of epsom salt in it, thinking it was a mag deficiency. Now, the...
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    Hello from Wisconsin

    Hello, I have been a pepper fan since I was a kid, and consider myself a noob when it comes to growing them. I have not grown peppers or planted a garden in many years, but decided to get back into it last spring. I had mixed results, but had fun, and learned a lot. I stumbled upon this site...
  5. B

    contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

    This looks like a lot of fun! If I'm not too late, I would like to give it a shot.