Search results

  1. fatalliman

    Pepper Growing basics

    Hey John, you might want to buy one of those 72 cell starter trays and read through the directions. some use peat pellets, but I prefere the miricle grow starting soil. you need to germinate the seeds, again everyone has their own method, I prefer wet paper towels in a warm dark place ( on top...
  2. fatalliman

    flavor Taste vs. Heat

    I recieved some chiles and seeds from a freind in Miss. they were tabago seasoning peppers, looks just like a red savina, tasted like a hab and had little heat, thought they would be a good flavor enhancer for a sauce. ML
  3. fatalliman

    Hi I am new

    hey Ken, welcome. Are you the Ken G. from Canada?? ML
  4. fatalliman

    This is me!

    Hey Remi, nice to see you find the other forum. Hope you have a few sauces coming for Kato's contest. Welcome aboard. Marv
  5. fatalliman

    Kato's Amatuer fiery food contest

    Just called out some of the folks that entered last time, I think there will be more before the weekends over. thakswet Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2006 4:18 pm Post subject: I would enter, but it's winter here....thus I have no homegrown peppers to create my sauce. Do this in the mid-summer and...
  6. fatalliman

    Kato's Amatuer fiery food contest

    Hey Mick, does it apply to the rogues too? I would be interested in participating again, and could come up with some sort of a prize to donate too. What kinda date you looking at? Marv
  7. fatalliman

    How does scoville Rating translate into perception?

    I don't do extracts, but as far as fresh chiles they all have a different effect. Habs, rocotos, fataliis and even jalapenos have a different part of the mouth that the heat hits, different after burns and length of heat. I've seen people eat a hab with no problem then a jalapeno makes his...
  8. fatalliman

    hot-sauce Hottest sauce ??

    doesn't anyone use real chiles anymore? as far as the toothpick, if you want the heat use an eye dropper IMOO anon
  9. fatalliman

    condiment scorned woman salsa has no taste (in my opinion)

    Hey Duke, I have tried some of these; They are out of Texas, he's a really good guy and grows 30 acres of chiles for the use in their products. Also check out Kato's site, he eats what they sell, you can't go wrong there either. FM
  10. fatalliman

    review Defcon 2/ wing review

    Hey DC, I guess the next is DC#1. PM me if there is a bottle available, I hear your stock is going fast. I would like to try the next level. Marv
  11. fatalliman

    review Defcon 2/ wing review

    I'm a little behind on my sauce reviews and waited for two batches of wings before reviewing. I did an egg and butter wash and breaded with a spiced flour mix before deep frying until crispy golden brown, then put in oven at 450 for 15 mins. Inserted wings in glass bowl and covered with DC #2...
  12. fatalliman

    are the weak habeneros at supermarkets real habaneros?

    That's a cool site!
  13. fatalliman

    are the weak habeneros at supermarkets real habaneros?

    The mild habs they sell in stores or seed compamies they have labeled suave habs, a dead ringer for orange habs. there is a lot of tobago sweet that looks like habs, but those look like a bishops crown to me. how much heat is there? what market and where is the region did you get them from? ML
  14. fatalliman

    Jail House Fire

    Hey Mick, I see it at your site on page one, top left and page six is a blank pic with name and price. ML
  15. fatalliman

    Purira Peppers

    They do have a good heat level, and the flavor is nice. I have a bag of frozen purira at home I'll have to eat one tonight to jog my memory. ML
  16. fatalliman

    DEFCON 2 and smokes goose

    OK, the best two thanksgiving to the inlaws was: a smoked goose that I asked if "the turkey was enough" lotsa funny looks( I had a smoked 18# turkey and a 21# oven baked too) te second was the Defcon 2 bottle of sauce. they looked at me like I was going to eat animal tranquizers or toxic waste...
  17. fatalliman

    pests Time to play name that bug

    are the plants indoors? My guess would be aphids or like you said the eggs of them, I had a bout with them a month ago, like chuk said mild soap solution (not antibacterial though) or ever better lady bugs. Marv
  18. fatalliman

    hot-sauce Kato's newest down south hot sauce

    I had a hard time opening this sauce(being a sauce collector and knowing the story behind Kato) But, unlike the other sauces kato produces there is a taste of raw heat and thickness that is a base for many dishes. I give it a 8 of 10 on heat, and a 8 of 10 of flavor to a base of some good cusine. FM
  19. fatalliman

    hot-sauce Chef D Rocks Smoked Datil pepper sauce

    Chef D's smoked datil sauce is the best. Recieved some from Kato productions, and I don't know what it is about the datils but, they are the best. I give it a 3-1/2 on heat, but a 10 on flavor, can eat it straight on a spoon. they should sell it like ketchup in the 24oz bottles. FM
  20. fatalliman

    Hawgboyzbbq smoked meat

    It's great to meet people with the same interests at forums. It turned out that Ed from Hawgboyzbbq lives about 1/2 mile from my workplace, he invited me over to sample some smoked meat, and how could a right minded person refuse that? He had some racks of ribs going that looked good enough for...