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  1. Tweak Sairaxx

    Guru's Glog 2012

    Lookin Prime, I love the growth when you bring a plant back into the zone after dormancy,....its so....satisfying. Every year with my brugmansias, it makes my face melt......with smiles. Looking forward to the latter part of the season in your glog guru.
  2. Tweak Sairaxx

    Starting Jolokia

    JChampion, post a pic of the dead green babies if you possess that technology, can speculate all day, but a visual reference will help 10 fold in helping you along in reaching the overlying issue. The MG mix, wont over saturate your plants with nutrients on its own, but it is heavy on the...
  3. Tweak Sairaxx

    Hello from Northern Illinois

    Welcome......from............ Creep..... Ja ja, jus messin green greenhouse Good Vibes and Happy Growing Alex
  4. Tweak Sairaxx

    Can anyone identify this?

    YES, you should name your next pet....midge broseph :)
  5. Tweak Sairaxx

    Warning Points

    Its what I wake up to every morning, with Joe Esposito's "you're the best around" being played on a lil boombox that one of them is holding...
  6. Tweak Sairaxx

    Can anyone identify this?

    Thats a midge broseph, harmless and.....kinda cute:) Thats an adult, and adult midges don't feed or bite....animals or plants. They are attracted to water though, as that's where they go though their infantile stages, ever keep a fish tank? Bloodworms are the larval stage of a midge and super...
  7. Tweak Sairaxx

    Guru's Glog 2012

    Guru, So, do you find that watering with modelo is beneficial as nutrient supplement, or solely a flavor enhancer........ ;) Lookin tight man! The "haze" in the background, I can only assume is the relative humidity getting rocked by the southern sun, dammit I miss the south. Good Vibes and...
  8. Tweak Sairaxx

    Melissa77754 2012 Glog

    Tight, Its nice to see your welcoming committee composed of a small pepper army, not much contrasts to a "welcome to my pad" than several million scoville's chillin inside their pods o chilies. If there were wild elephants roaming....well, they might think twice about messin with your casa...
  9. Tweak Sairaxx

    fertilizer Milorganite Fertilizer, human sludge........

    Monsanto and Medicated Human Poo sure do leave a bad taste in my mouth.......Oh wait, that didn't come out right! Avon, A good read with some good bullets Guru, +1!
  10. Tweak Sairaxx

    Transplanted my peppers!

    Root Pouches, Ventilated HID, Humidifier, Air Circulation......I think they will certainly put out for you! Nice gig and nice plants. Will they see the sun, taste the world and mother earth, or are you going to do all indoor? Happy Growing!
  11. Tweak Sairaxx

    Peppin' Ain't Easy..."3/5King's 2012"

    Nice Sah, That shizz-nay, is looking mighty fan-say I do Say! Healthy and GREEN with some superb branching on some of those dudes. They're going to look like small oak trees bro, "you sir, the small branchy-face there, I shall call you....Little Oakington" if your garden had a small...
  12. Tweak Sairaxx

    How many various species of plants in your yard?

    Have you tried ULORIC..........?? ;) I too have de gout, a variegated variety however, certainly don't mind its existence. It's visually successful as a filler among the other plants. If you really hate can kill it, but its going to be like taking down an elephant with a tooth...
  13. Tweak Sairaxx

    chsy83's First Glog for First-Timer Growing Superhots(123112 update)

    The person who comes across the Amish bag after your done with it will certainly have their curiosity perked ;) Happy Growing and Good Vibes! Alex
  14. Tweak Sairaxx

    How many various species of plants in your yard?

    I've never actually tried any cactus my knowledge. Perhaps its from bad experiences from the flesh of multiple species, I remember biting into the leaf of an aloe vera as a kid....awful, and the rotten/sour cucumber taste of trichocereus species as a teen...again just awful. As...
  15. Tweak Sairaxx


    Voodoo Lilies. These plants are quite awesome, anyone else growing or have grown before? If not, I recommend, pretty sure they change your life, at the very least enlighten it a blt. Deter the cat harnessing his powers from the konjac. S. Venosum Journey to the spadix Alex
  16. Tweak Sairaxx

    health whats wrong with my ghost?

    Aww your pepper just wants to be cute for you man....maybe, It looks fine sir, just a twinkle of fertilizer over-power and some stress from transplanting, moving around, lighting, yatta yatta. Let it do its thing, its going to be resilient and bounce back from pretty much any stress as long as...
  17. Tweak Sairaxx


    Wow Greg! That is really quite awesome, I've always seen the coleus at least in some variety at every garden center, and for the most part just breezed by it. Took time to notice the unique leaves but nothing else, after seeing your massive clumps all planted together it has shed some new...
  18. Tweak Sairaxx

    How many various species of plants in your yard?

    I as well fall into the "subdivision yard" category, but we try to make the most of it for sure! Like to go for the "what the heck is that!" feel, most properties around here are over-saturated with hostas, arborvitas, and junipers. Perennials Dawn Redwood Austree Willow Japanese Maple...
  19. Tweak Sairaxx

    LanMan's 2012 Grow Log now with pods!!!

    Looks really good man, nice garden plot as well. Recent storm knocked down that big ole tree? I really miss those woods, used to live in southern ohio, theres certainly decent forest around here, but being a few zones higher really makes a huge difference on landscape. That labuya is a...
  20. Tweak Sairaxx

    hydroponic Hydroponic Brain Strain Yellow The Return!

    Looking really good man, your YBS has bulked significantly. Your reflective background looks exactly like the insulators that my fish come in........might it be true?