• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

chsy83's First Glog for First-Timer Growing Superhots(123112 update)

So, yesterday started germination process with paper towel in ziplock method . . .


and put them on a heating pad set to low.

Thanks for the well-wishes!

Here are the numbers for seeds started:
Trinidad Scorpion BT X 24
Red Habanero X 50
Orange Habanero X 32
Amish Bush X 45

Seeds all sourced from Judy at PepperLover.com
The person who comes across the Amish bag after your done with it will certainly have their curiosity perked ;)

Happy Growing and Good Vibes!

Just put my seeds that I started on paper towels into soil (seed starters and party cups) and placed them in the grow tent. In the tent are 40 Amish Bush and 32 Orange Habanero and 24 Trinidad Scorpion Butch T( in the cups).

Pulled back view of the loaded up grow tent:


My butch Ts:


Outside are going 50 Red Habanero in party cups:

On 5/17/12, I spritzed the top of the soil on all of my cups and cell seed starter with 3% H2O2 to prevent dampen down (what killed off most of my first round of Butch Ts).
You're off to a good start - here's to a great grow season for you!
I now have 8 orange habs and 1 red hab seedlings growing and looking healthy. Except, I have one orange that looks like its cotyledons have fused into one.

will post pics later
Peeked in this morning in my grow tent, I've got 9 Orange habs, 1 Amish Bush, and at least 2 Butch Ts sprouting now. Will def post pictures this weekend.

Oh, and outside I saw yesterday I still have one Red hab sprout.
Nope. I have some squash in the box to the right in the second pic.

A little late, have to do this earlier next year. I went through 8 liters of water Saturday.