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  1. QuebecFire


    LOL ! ...this morning Cili Goronong Was up :D and capucino habs too YEAHHH !!!! Potawie send me some capucino habs and there were so tasty and hot !! it was awesome for a habs
  2. QuebecFire


    hey this morning I got a nice surprise ! Red Datil & Orange cheiro show there first leaves :D
  3. QuebecFire


    ?! I just presuming that all the people who look at my thread are addicted to heat so ?! is there any new rumor about a hotter pepper or any new OVERTHEMILLIONSHU pepper or any yellow 7pod /naga cause LOL I dont know why but I'm not able to stop to search for hotter again ;)
  4. QuebecFire


    I think T&T is a wonderfull place to discover !! I never go there but it seem awesome (same if your not a chilihead)
  5. QuebecFire


    i'm sure that it will be great indoor too ! the pods is growing verry fast and I only have 3 pod on the plant now so the plant is feeding just 3 pepper so they probably get rip a lot faster than if a have 20 pod on the plant
  6. QuebecFire


  7. QuebecFire

    Defcon DM MKII is now available!

    It's sad ! the shipping cost to canada is the same price of the bottle itself :snooty:
  8. QuebecFire


    now is about 1 inch wide :party: and dont look so innocent there enyone here who know how long a 7pod take befor get ripe
  9. QuebecFire


    no need to tell you how hard it is to not bite in this pepper :P
  10. QuebecFire


    yes the pepper is growing upwards...I think it's because the fruit is small or because the plant as been cut many time befor produce a fruit but look how it grow in 2 day : it's growing only under a 40w cfl !(2 in the box but one over the 7 pod)
  11. QuebecFire


    Naga Morich: 7 pod need to be repot LOL this is new from this week :
  12. QuebecFire


    some fresh pics: 7pod 1st pod :cool: (less than 2 week old): Trinidad Douglah : Trinidad Scropion :
  13. QuebecFire

    Defcon DM MKII is now available!

    Hey D.C do you accept paypal and how much shipped to canada ?
  14. QuebecFire

    lighting Lighting...agh! I swore I wouldn't post this

    once again if you want the best rate watt/lummen the best is HCFL ...they come in 6400k (bleuspectrum) 4200 (whitespectrum) 2700k (red spectrum) and also 25 000k (purple spectrum) ....and the best for fruiting is FOR SURE 2700k ....i you want to buy some cheap 250w ...just check on ebay store...
  15. QuebecFire


    eee LOL sorry but i'm not sure to understand what you said LOLL
  16. QuebecFire


    BOOOYAAAA !!! I'm back !! it make like more than a month that I didnt come on thp and just let my thread die .....but know i'm back with more time :) I just start all my outdoor plant tonight for 2008 I'll make a complete list of what I grow in the next 5 hot buddy are still alive...
  17. QuebecFire

    Trinidad "Douglah" 7 Pot

    look awesome !! defenetly look like a chocolate 7 pod !!!! oulala ;) my plant is big know !!! just wait for good outdoor weather !!!
  18. QuebecFire

    Ok I have a problem

    ?! dont put your light higher , if you do , you plant will be leggy tall and not healty ... if you whant to keep you plant small just keep them in smallest pot possible and try to feed them just when the leaf are down also can cut the main branch to stop them to grow .... this work cause...
  19. QuebecFire

    Picture of "Grow Garage"

    realy nice job !!! wow !!! your are lucky to have a big place like that to grow your pepper !!! does all those pepper will go out ??
  20. QuebecFire

    my hydro set up

    nice set up buddy !!! i like the people who think like me and have a ''all white'' set up !!! realy nice !!