Looks good. My C. Galapogoense croaked for no reason a couple weeks ago. It wasn't neglected or anything. Just drooped starting at the top and eventually all leaves dropped and the stem hardened up.
I would love to grow out some more crosses though, if you find this years grow of your...
Edit- Hope the following helps.
Ok we will use the following image upload site as an example
1. Click browse and locate the image you want to use. Select it and hit open, or ok if it's listed. Select family safe and then upload button on the site.
2. ...
Appears he doesn't have seeds listed, but does plants. Have you got facebook? Make a post on his company page. https://www.facebook.com/FordsFieryFoodProducts
If the seeds were labeled F2, then yes they came from an F1 plant/pod. Seeds you harvest from your F2 plant it will be F3.
Sorry, I haven't heard of that one before this thread.
I found this. Scroll down a little bit http://thehotpepper.com/topic/23061-peppers-pods-2011/page-19
That or some one is pulling your leg, which happens often now days with all the renaming and such. Just within the last couple months a certain no longer here company renamed Jay's peach to peach ghorpion lol
Thanks a bunch. I was wondering because the first set pod hasn't grown any more and isn't as firm as it was a week or two ago. However, still has the purple top, light belly. Same pod in the pic at the top of this page
Thanks. I have been experimenting with elmers to keep them from crossing. Made a thread on it here too.
Quick question, how do I know when the [Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F2] x Pimenta Morango is ripe? :)