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  1. T

    Fungus gnats, about to go full retard?!?!?

    Sorry about that, just realized how out of control it was.  And my old thread rambled on and on. I'm not even as concerned about over wintering now, I'll just start really early next year on new plants.  But they are so bad on my porch, I see them inside now, just opening the door a few fly in...
  2. T

    Fungus gnats, about to go full retard?!?!?

    Ok so I just thinned out one of my Melon container plants, cut it down, omg, like 50 fungus gnats around its base, didn't realize it was that bad. I still have another melon (crimson sweet watermelon) in the same 40 gallons of soil.......   I was thinking about doing a mild bleach sollution...
  3. T

    thinning melons/vines end of season?

    So haven't had many female flowers in the last month, but 3 just popped up on my Crimson sweet plant....  It only has one melon on it ucrrently which is almost ripe It's nearing the end of my season, I have another 6 weeks or so until first frost, so hoping one or 2 of these melons growing will...
  4. T

    Bell peppers in meatloaf

    Think I'm going to make some meatloaf tonight (basic run of the meal meatloaf)  I've made it with and without green bell peppers, my girl claims we NEVER used bell peppers (I know I've made it with them lol) But now that I'm growing my own baby bells, I want to use some of MY bells in it!  My...
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    Guy "vapes" a Carolina reaper, smh

    It's about 5:20 in when he does it, so stupid, just seen it on FB so had to upload it lol
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    Jalapeno flowers not opening

    It's worse than watching paint dry!  I can't take it!  =P I check on my plants all the time, I whisper them sweet nothings in their ears (I think its their ears I'm whispering into?) I've been thinking about buying another TV to put out on my porch for my peppers to watch, do you think they'd...
  7. T

    Starting Habanero in Tokyo (Zone 8b/9a) right now (08/24/2016) possible?

    like D3monic said, try some supplemental lighting.  I personally only get around 4 hours of direct sunlight, but I run a few CFL's on my Jalapeno 10-11 hours a day also and am having great growth!
  8. T

    Baby bells look like Jalapenos?!

    Yeah they were Bonnie brand, I've done a lot of research and see they sell good plants for big box stores. This whole grow was just a spur of the moment thing.  The only thing I had grown in my life was watermelons as a kid.  So I bought two varieties of watermelons, and the Jalapeno beginning...
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    Need Help With An ID

    Damn that thing is big!  Eat it whole and make a video to see how it tastes ;)
  10. T

    Baby bells look like Jalapenos?!

    Well I did get them at walmart, but they were already growing plants, around 12-16" or so.  (now 44", and I started way late!)   The ones i've harvested so far tasted great!  I was just confused as to why the latest ones are taking on a more oblong shape haha
  11. T

    Baby bells look like Jalapenos?!

    I've already harvested 5 ripe red baby bells, and around 7-8 or so are getting to full size, and there are probably 15+ more ones that are starting to grow.   I started hand pollinating by rubbing my finger on the stigma, every morning I start with my Jalapeno, then go onto my baby bells.  I...
  12. T

    Jalapeno flowers not opening

    5 inches seems small, although I'm personally knew to growing, so I'm no expert by any means!  Ideally you want a 3 gallon pot, or even better a 5 gallon pot.  They can be grown in 1-2 gallon pots, but it's not ideal.     When your flowers do open fully, unless you have a lot of bee's visiting...
  13. T

    Bullet jalapeño

    How does your plant look?  What are you growing in (container/ground?), what soil are you using, how often do you water, do you fertilize, and how much direct sun do you get?    
  14. T

    Late season Jalapeno finally popping off! 73 and counting!

    Just did a re-count (I know, 2 days later, it's hard to resist) even though counting is actually kind of a pain in the ass, gotta separate each of the 4 main stalks, then go up them making sure not to double count the same pepper on accident =P So there are 28 flowers fully open, that i've...
  15. T

    Fungus Gnats, remedies?

    I'm growing in 5 gallon buckets, was planning on leaving the Jalapeno in the bucket.  Early next spring I was considering transplanting to a 7-10 gallon bucket, but its doing great so far. I ran a fan on my melons all day, the top is dried out, but now it seems the fungus gnats are in full...
  16. T

    Fungus Gnats, remedies?

    Well my biggest issue is I'm going to over winter my Jalapeno plant, possibly even try to continue fruiting with it all winter.  
  17. T

    Fungus Gnats, remedies?

    So now I'm like 99% sure I'm infested with them.  I noticed them like 10-14 days ago at the base of my Jalapeno, had no idea what they were, someone mentioned fungus gnats However last night I noticed my huge watermelon tote had many of them, they are all over, flying just inches off the soil...
  18. T

    Melons stalled, now NO more flowers?

    Ass,  =P =P =P I most likely wont grow melons next year, I grow on a tiny porch, too much space.  When I get a yard it's on!  lol edit:  Just snapped a pic of my one good melon, Crimson.  It's mostly round, has a slight indent since "birth" on one side haha, but its growing, for now ugh  
  19. T

    Melons stalled, now NO more flowers?

    I am growing a sugar baby as well as a crimson sweet in a 45 galon tote (40 or so gallons of soil in it), the plants exploded with growth, vines are stlil growing out, I DID have tons of flowers the last few weeks, female and male, I wasn't polinating right at first.  My Sugar babies popped up 3...
  20. T

    Late season Jalapeno finally popping off! 73 and counting!

    I just went out to hand pollinate my stuff real fast, didn't thoroughly check my plant over as they are in the corner with my CFL's on them for now, but I found 17 fully open flowers on the Jalapeno!  Not to mention, there are (guestimate) another 20+ flowers that'll open in few days, and...