Hot like an extract without that bad taste? Sounds great to me. That extract taste is terrible, this sounds like just what I need.
Pm on the way. Thanks, this is incredibly nice of you.
Thanks, but no. Just my lack of clarity. Great offer though.
--edit- Justaguy talked me into it. That makes me number 4.
I hope my family forgives me when they start tripping over pepper plants next spring.
I started a couple of each chinense variety over the last couple of weeks. I'll start a couple more of each in January in case that turns out to be a bad idea. The faster growing varieties I'll start in January or February.
Got seeds from pepperlover yesterday. The post office gave us some trouble but she took care of it and my seeds are here. She sent me extras that I had been thinking about buying but didn't. Does she read minds too?
Doing business with Pepperlover couldn't be more pleasant.
Nice review. You make me realize just how many pepper varieties I need to try. Thanks for taking the time to describe so many types and doing it so well.