free Free "Evil" for 7 Newbies! CLOSED!


eXtreme Business
As a kick-off to some promotions that will be coming out Very Soon for a new Pure Evil product, I'm giving away (6) 3mil Pure Evils and (1) of the new Hottest Ever Pure Evil!!!!  Open to International and USA! (see conditions below for international)
The first 7 Newbies to send me a PM with your name, mailing address, and favorite color will be lucky winners!

This is for Newbies who as of today 23-Nov-2013 have 99 or fewer posts. 
Pure Evil is a non-extract liquid capsaicin food additive.  It has no flavor to speak of, no smell, it doesn't have that nasty metallic taste that extracts have.  It's pure clean heat, made from 15.2mil SHU refined capsaicin powder.  It's not a hot sauce, it's a food additive, which means you can add it to Anything and it will bump up the heat without changing the flavor of whatever it's added to. 
One of my favorite stories is...someone sent me some snickerdoodle cookies made with Pure Evil.  My son grabbed the cookie and took a bite.  He got this funny look on his face and said, "Pure Evil cookies???!?!  What is wrong with you people??!!???"  :lol:
Our original Pure Evil is over 1.5mil SHU.  For this giveaway, the Pure Evil heat is 3mil.  The new product (out next week) will be much hotter than anything else on the market. 
So, to add to the fun, one lucky newbie will receive a vial of the new (secret SHU ;) )Pure Evil.  I'll take the names of the first 7 newbies that post a PM to me to request a bottle as detailed above, toss the names in a hat and have SalsaKid draw out one name.  That person will receive the new Pure Evil.  All the others will receive a vial of 3mil SHU Pure Evil.
This is open to everyone one THP with a post count of 99 or less.  For international folks, I will ship the vial but not the metal tin.
IMG_1826.JPG hot is it?????

Holy Crap SL! This is a great give away!!!!

For you who don't know... PE will make favorite foods HOTTER without changing any flavor, I LOOOOVE this stuff in Ketchup. A couple drops in a bowl of chili... bam!

I've added this to Scrambled eggs.... Weird because it has no flavor but the eggs were hot a $**T!

Gitchu someadat!

Izzy and Freddy are in! 
And just for the record....Scovie is not eligible... he missed the post count by just a bit.  ;)  :lol:  (xoxo Scovie)

Also, the 3mil bottles are worth $25 and the MysterySHU bottle is worth about $100. 
Hot like an extract without that bad taste? Sounds great to me. That extract taste is terrible, this sounds like just what I need.
Pm on the way. Thanks, this is incredibly nice of you.
Transient Ex~ is in on the deal. 
Scoop this one up, folks! PE is a hot commodity. Plenty of Youtube videos featuring PE. Rockin' offer, SL!
Thanks, Phil,(edit for crossposting) and Feisty,  much appreciated.  Was that "hot commodity" comment an intentional pun?  :lol:
4 spots take, 3 still available!
UPDATE- 5 spots spoken for- 2 available!!!
Kauai, send me a PM!!!  make sure you follow instructions in first post... ;) 
Kauai made it-
One Bottle still available.  5:04pm
5:29- last bottle is spoken for to Sweden!
7 bottles are Claimed! 
I'll throw the 7 names in a hat and.....
......not post who the winner is!!!!    Now, how much fun would it be for the winners if they knew right away who got the ubber-bottle???
Ascool from Sweden is in so that's cool!  Some international heat heading out. 
All the Evils will go out Monday 25Nov2013 USPS First Class.  May or May not make it by Thanksgiving for USA winners.   
Thanks for joining in on this giveaway, thanks for your interest in Pure Evil, and thanks to all the new chileheads who join the forum and participate.
Thanks again. This forum community is something special. When i get the chance i will surely pay it forward. 