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  1. acs1

    Need help identifying cause of deformation of new growth

    Spray heavily before topping/trimming is the advice I was given and it worked for me very well.   I have a hand microscope, loops, and magnifying glass. Anything less than 40x and you can't see broad mites.   If it is mites, and it looks to be, get on the spray fast, don't let this get out of...
  2. acs1

    Need help identifying cause of deformation of new growth

    I'm a rookie at this, but kind of looks like broad mites. Unfortunately I'm very experienced with those pests, they are the worst. The whole plant ends up eventually shutting down. Any brownish tan areas in the new deformed growth..?   What power is your scope..?   This pic is broad mite damage...
  3. acs1

    sun Is this sun filter good..?

    Good reply guys. Like the cheese cloth method and the solo cups with bottom cut out.   Been doing the same morning/late afternoon sun but seems some still got burned. Maybe I'm going to fast, today they stayed out till noon...Not that it matters much, just wondering will the sun scald heal.? or...
  4. acs1

    sun Is this sun filter good..?

     First pic, were outdoor plants from the very start. They were under a open but covered patio for germination and most of their early life. Never got full sun only indirect sun but lots of it. Almost a week now been getting 4-5 hours a day full sun. Are they ready for all day 10+ hours sFL...
  5. acs1

    water Irrigation interval - 24 or 48?

      Got to disagree with you. 'Stuff'  added to the bottom of containers isn't to effect the PWT for me. Its to keep the drain holes from getting clogged with compacted soil or 'chunks' of mix. A soft water absorbing piece of wood/compost/peat/bark that fit perfectly on top of the drain holes...
  6. acs1

    How long does it take..?

      I agree...     Was just concerned that something might be wrong since this is the first time growing Fatalii . Maybe something to do with the sFL humid/hot days and nites. Seems almost all my Chile plants have slowed way way down compared to last spring/winter when a plant would grow an inch...
  7. acs1

    How long does it take..?

      It right outside,, hard not to take a peak... lol. True...   Thats the problem, have no idea what its suppose to be other than supposedly a Fatalii.   So from the way it looks now, another 30-60 days..?  
  8. acs1

    How long does it take..?

    The pods on this plant have been hanging around for weeks seemingly not changing except for maybe growing larger by 1/2". They are about 2.5-3" long now.   Will they ever ripen to another color, or will they just stay green..?    
  9. acs1

    Strange holes in peppers, but leaves are all doing very well

    Guess its give and take... lol   Ya, have noticed only the young 'green' bluejays have been eating a little chunk or 2 of perlite out of my containers. Red Cardinals rock hornworms world...  
  10. acs1

    Battling with broad mites; neem sprays not seeming effective.

      Well, took this pic with my new microscope @ 90x after neem oil treatment. Neem helps keep them still for a good pic... lol   With no magnification they're invisible. At 30x they were just a tan minuscule dot, barely noticeable with no discernible features. Anything less then 40x is useless...
  11. acs1

    Battling with broad mites; neem sprays not seeming effective.

      Thanks, learned from the best  :P  got to luv this forum.   To have this forums knowledge base available to pepper growers is an amazing benefit for all pepper growers. A wealth of pertinent info on growing is here for all with a simple search. Or a simple question posted in the right forum...
  12. acs1

    Battling with broad mites; neem sprays not seeming effective.

    Maybe these pics will help shed light on broad mite damage, and less than the best type of neem oil used....   First pic was before a total drenching soak of clarified neem application June 29, 2019. Mixed exactly as instruction on the triple action neem bottle. Spray was done right after solid7...
  13. acs1

    tutorial The Pest Guide

    Is this a pest problem..?  
  14. acs1

    seeds Sugar Rush Peach seedlings for give away....

    Got some nice baccatum seedlings about 3.5 weeks old. All from a nice Nomad, peachy hot tasty pod i eat half of and planted the remainder of its seeds. Most sprouted in 6 days. Seems like a healthy strain the way these seeds/sprouts/seedlings are taking off.Guess time will tell...   Don't have...
  15. acs1

    Leaf damage

    Well, have read that infections/pests and fungus are attracted too, and tend to enter plants from damaged leafs, not sure if this is true. If it is true what are the determining factors of when its time to prune damaged leafs..?   Would any of these damaged bottom leafs be a candidate for...
  16. acs1

    Spider mites or broad mites..?

    Got a amazon $12 handheld microscope, up to 120x. Thought it would be a toy, but it actually works pretty darn good. This pic is at 90x   These guys seem to not have liked the clarified neem treatment from a couple days ago and have not  moved a whisker since. Not really sure what mite they are..?
  17. acs1

    water Bottom watering..?

      So, for a set like in my pic, how long is to long to leave it in the water bath...? In 24 hours that Fatalii can suck up 1-1.5" of water no problem.  Can the mix suck up to much water..?
  18. acs1

    water Bottom watering..?

    Thanks for the links, those look perfect...
  19. acs1

    water Bottom watering..?

      Do you mean more water capacity,,, how high can ya go..?   Thinking of going down to the lake and scooping up a tadpole or tiny fish and putting them in the trays to eat the skeeter larvae,,, lol  
  20. acs1

    water Bottom watering..?

    Nothing fancy here, just a simple #5 fabric pot in a tray with water, and hydro plastic 3gal/1gal containers with many 3/4" holes in the bottom.  Both with a light mix.of  7/2/1_ peat/perlite/worm castings with 1/2 cup Dr Earth rolled in and 1/2 cup powdered eggshells rolled in.   Leaving the...