The Creator is right on! There are also some very cost effective table top digital inkjet printers available. One in particular is the Primera LX810. This is a great little printer that can achieve some very good quality for your short run Private Labels. Give Jason Jansen a call at:
Ohhh and on a side note... I grew up with the belt and wooden spoon. My Mother was one of those that believes that if you hit them hard enough the first time, you never have to hit them again! hehe :P
As with any punishmnet... excess is wrong. I had no problem spanking my kids. A quick crack on the ass can be a very useful tool. Now... when someone confuses a beating with a spanking is where it goes bad.
I have never used hot sauce as punishment. I have been blessed, somehow, to have never...
HAH Me too! I went out last Thursday and shredded what was left of the miniscus in my left knee. Looks like at 40 years old I'm going to have to slow down a touch. I'll stick to barefooting...
No problem you guys. I finally got rid of them. I would have loved to go as I am an avid water skier but it was such short notice when I received them. We have the Pro Wakeboard Nationals by me In Pleasant Prairie, WI and then we also have one of the coolest contest called Double Up Del Noche...
Hey Marv,
They are yours if you want them and are going to use them. PM me your address and I'll get these out to you ASAP.
I see you are in Grantsburg... I go to Balsam Lake every August for a fishing trip/Party. Grantsburg is just a little north of Balsam, right?
I have 4 free tickets to the MasterCraft US Pro Wakeboard Tour on Island Lake in the Minneappolis/St Paul area for this weekend. The tickets are good for either Saturday or Sunday. These are general admission tickets but if you bring the letter that I will provide you will be sitting in a...
Go with UPS.
Disclaimer - This is a gratuitous pandering originating from the fact that I own UPS stock and am tired of seeing it decline whilst FedEx stock keeps going up :roll:
I have been slowly assimilating the wife. Everything keeps getting hotter and hotter. Sometimes she notices and other times she doesn't. Soon she will be eating things as hot as I am and won't know how it happened.
My 13 year old daughter on the other hand is a true chile head. She loves our...