It was right at 2 weeks in the salt water brine and then I boiled it, and store it in the fridge.
Eventually I'm going to invest in some proper airlock lids so I don't have to continually burp the jars during fermentation.
Well decided to cook this one off today and finish it off. Came out pretty good..tangy, with heat but not unbearable, and a subtle sweetness... And the wine like taste faded after the cook.
So I decided to try my hand at fermenting a couple of hot sauces...the first one was a success so I decided to go with a sweet heat one... Using blueberries, ginger, lemon and carolina reapers.. it's been sitting for going on 2 weeks now..bubbling away. I don't have an airlock so I burp it...
I did a search...but I'm not very tech savvy....but I didn't find what I was looking for. Is there a step by step on making chili flakes? Or does anyone have one.
My fiancee is Filipino so she's taught me a love of Filipino cuisine... It's cooling down temperature wise so I decided to make some Filipino chicken adobo adding in several chile pequin and a couple super chiles (whatever that is bit they have a decent kick) ... Filipino adobo is basically...
Yeah I figure the same from alittle googling but I wanted to see if anyone else had any thoughts. I asked his wife she calls them bird peppers because apparently birds eat them and then crap the seeds and that's why they grow wild everywhere according to her...she doesn't like them because they...
A very good friend of mine, his father in law is from El Salvador and he brought back some peppers from his home not too long ago... He gave me some... They are very hot little tic tac sized bombs. I asked him what they are called and he shrugged and said peppers... I asked for alittle more...
Demented it does look alot like that one...hmmmm..I personally would call it hotter than medium heat I don't know though...but thanks for that one.
Either way they are good and hot, they grew well easy keepers. Thanks for the replies everyone I wanted the information more for going forward...
So I ordered a pack of seeds from a trusted seed distributor online (Puckerbutt) which I have used in the past with great success. I have grown a few different types of hot peppers using their seeds Thai, Carolina Reaper... among others And now I wanted to try a new type so I ordered a new...
Hi there.. from Florida got into growing hot peppers a couple years ago still learning and experimenting seeing what I like the most... Looking forward to learning alot here.