there is a old tin shed next door i was thinking of grabing that as its a abandoned house due for demo as the earthquake damaged it its about 1400mm x 1400mm x about 2000mm high will this do
have i got the lighting power to double the withd or what size do you think ive got the lights just need to make that cabinet or grow room have a single garage thats joint to the house and under the same roof if that makes sense.
just wanted to no how small i can go or an eg of a good sized room...
how many lights? how big?
to grow 4 plants indoors all the time i was thinking on getting 2x 125w cfl 6500k and 2x 125w cfl 2700k will this work or will i need more or bigger bulbs
yea out door in good weather and indoors in bad
yea it has 10 on it at the moment but one fell off the the other day i think its to small to do anything with
do you think i should put it in a bigger pot yet or wait a bit longer?
indoor/outdoor when its nice leaves keep falling off atm just a few like 3 a day and flowers with the steam fall off to
its a trinidad scorpion to me the pods dont look like the right shape to be a scorpion tho
can any one help me and tell me what i would need to set up the chilies to grow i have one butch t seedling but i think its dien as kids knocked it over and there is brown on the leaves its only small just two leaves and it was the only one that came up out of about 30 seeds i now have an...