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  1. F

    What's up with my new leaves? Very green and shriveled.

      Wasn't meant like that, just want to give some constructive input here. I simply don't think that he has mites, the clawing downwards would also be a strong indicator for overwatering. But then again he says he waters only once per week. OP, your cups have drainage holes, right?
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    Why Do I Live Here?

    LOLing hard here @ "I am calling Bernie Sanders!".....hilarious :)
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    Why are some of my peppers ripening (getting red) when they're VERY tiny?

    Yes, I do have extreme heat...right now basically 95ish every single day. I already put a shade cloth up there. I guess I will see.   By the way, those are "experimental plants", they're in their second year now. (I assumed that peppers only last one year and then you replant new ones. I mean I...
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    What's up with my new leaves? Very green and shriveled.

    >> fruit fly larvae breeding ground >>   Not fruit flies, those are "fungus gnats" although they look like fruit flies, I agree. They thrive especially when you over-water, when the soil doesn't have time to dry out between watering. It's possible that your wrinkle/crinkle problem is related...
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    What's up with my new leaves? Very green and shriveled.

    Wooooo...way to go to make a diagnosis over the internet, based on crinkled leaves?   I had NEVER had mites who caused crinkled leaves, they are usually causing spots, yellowing, necrosis etc.. I have my share fair of experience with mites, spider mites etc. and nothing in that picture TO ME...
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    Why are some of my peppers ripening (getting red) when they're VERY tiny?

    I have a bunch of Jalapenos and Serranos outside in Southern Spain, extreme sun all day long.   I harvested some Serranos yesterday because it is my understanding that nice and red means they are ripe. SOME of the peppers are hideously tiny, I am talking 1/2" or smaller, but bright red. Why are...
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    seeds Planting seedlings out in Spanish heat!

    I put mine here in the scorching sun, but I put them out earlier in spring so they had time to acclimate. I am in Southern Spain, and from June on I am using a sunshade thing to protect them from the most intense heat around noon. Some other peppers I am putting where it's a little more shaded.
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    First LED Build

    Ok I am REALLY running out of space in my current growing area, 16+ plants in a 2x4 == lol, WAY too many... I need to expand to at least 4x4 which fortunately I can easily do, the greenhouse is big enough.   Reading and calculating to my delight that FOUR COBs would actually be sufficient for...
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    Too Early for Flower/Fruits?

    Short info:   Jalapenos, Serranos, growing in Hempy Buckets (manual Hydro) w/ Perlite/Vermiculite , feeding Floranova Bloom, Greenhouse on Balcony in Spain, VERY hot currently, under 15hrs LED CREE CXB3590s   As compared to my outdoor grow from last year, THOSE peppers I grow pseudo-hydro have...
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    fertilizer How is an unfertilized soil mix different from a fertilized one?

    Yes, I know how silly this question sounds, but hear me out :)  Isn't the difference, well, that an unfertilized mix, like ProMix, doesn't contain any fertilizers/nutrients while many pre-made soil mixes do? This is, for example beneficial when you want to start seedlings. soon as you...
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    Give a girl hope

    don't complain about "the bad weather".   I am in southern Spain, and NOW it started to get hot again... I have a green house on the balcony and an outdoor area upstairs where there is full sun basically for the entire day.   IT IS NOT GOOD.   When it gets so fricking hot, stuff starts to stop...
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    spray for spider mites?

    Googling about this spray doesn't indicate you need to wash it off. Instead I found one entry where it even said "degrades rapidly and has almost no toxicity. Highly recommended for use on fruit trees, shade trees, shrubs, ornamentals, roses and vegetables. Includes a spreader/ sticker." 99%...
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    Growing in Hydro/Perlite, Nutrient question (Floranova Bloom)

    I am growing in Perlite/Vermiculite right now, it's sort of like a "manual" Hydro system. I am using "GH Floranova Bloom" which is 4-8-7. Wondering whether someone by chance uses the same and how much they apply?   (I am using Floranova Bloom since this is, according to other grower sources, a...
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    pests Aphids!!! Don't go away even after spraying

    Ok as mentioned earlier, I sprayed again, still using my insecticidal soap and some neem. Looking better now. (I wiped off some plants by hand before, there was just too many piled up). I think you just need to be persistent. By the way this is semi outdoors, in a greenhouse on the balcony.
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    pests Aphids!!! Don't go away even after spraying

    So the one company which makes a Pyrethrin spray/concentrate (Neudorff) also makes a particular Anti-aphid product, but it's really just 2% insecticidal soap. (Which I have a ton here). So I made another insect. soap solution, 2% like this product (this time I measured), and also in warm water...
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    pests Aphids!!! Don't go away even after spraying

    Well what I am using is pretty much the same thing as "Azamax", although this time a different brand. All those products are Azadirachtin (basically concentrated Neem, the main ingredient) in some concentration. Maybe THIS particular brand I am using is crap.   That's what I'll be looking into...
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    pests Aphids!!! Don't go away even after spraying

    I am spraying my seedlings for more than two weeks straight with Insecticidal Soap and Neem oil mixed in. What I always used for spider mites and other aphids with success. This time, they are VERY un-impressed. They seem even to be getting more. I am baffled since I otherwise swear by...
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    Telling apart young Jalapeno / Serrano Plants?

    JALAPENO (Note that this one is "fuzzy") SERRANO (This one is not fuzzy at all) So it's exactly the opposite from what I read. Also...impossible for me to tell them apart from the leaves. Edit: Those are in the full, bright sun, not even looking that good. Very yellowish. I hope the ones...
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    Telling apart young Jalapeno / Serrano Plants?

      Yeah I know about the peppers, I had them last season. Serranos were thinner. I still have proper labelled plants upstairs and will take some pictures in a few.
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    Telling apart young Jalapeno / Serrano Plants?

    Every year I make the same stupid mistakes. So I labelled everything nicely, then I repotted them and now everything is mixed up.   I have a ton of younger plants, Serranos and Jalapenos. They're now about 15cm-22cm (8.6") tall.   How can I tell what is what?   I only found one post on the...