Search results

  1. KingLeerUK

    water distilled water question

    Using bottled distilled water going to be a massive, and in my opinion unnecessary, expense.  You would be better off collecting 1-gallon jugs and filling them from city water (tap) and then allowing them to outgas the chlorine over a 24 hour period (leave bottles uncapped).  I keep about 8-10...
  2. KingLeerUK

    The Myth of Foliar Feeding

      I think that calling this work a "paper" is being rather generous, if anything it might qualify as an article.  It seems to rely primarily upon a survey of practises in the industry, a loose citing of a half-century old study and a couple of strong servings of conjecture.   It is certainly not...
  3. KingLeerUK

    The Myth of Foliar Feeding

    All salts are not created equal.  Epsom salt is magnesium sulphate which is essential for chlorophyll production; thus the impetus to apply it directly to the foliage.  The concentrations used for foliar spray have a negligible drying effect, I tend to use 1 Tbsp to 2 gallons of water, which if...
  4. KingLeerUK

    The Myth of Foliar Feeding

      To do a "true test" you would need a MUCH larger sample size, let's say 1000 plants and your conditions for all other aspects would have to be consistent.   Also, the assertion is not that "plants can survive by leaf feeding alone" but whether foliar feeding yields any appreciable or...
  5. KingLeerUK

    The Myth of Foliar Feeding

    I foliar feed with AACT because I buy into the concept of applying a surplus of "beneficial" microorganisms to the surface of the plant foliage as a measure to offset the presence of "bad" microorganisms,  The same idea as having competing bacterial or mold colonies in a petri dish; there is...
  6. KingLeerUK

    What is nibbling on my leaves?

    It looks like snail damage to me.  This would be consistent with your report that you are not seeing any "bugs" when you go look during the day.  If you go have a peek in the midnight hour you'll probably see these little bastards at work.   I've been physically removing and crushing them and...
  7. KingLeerUK

    trade WTB or Trade: Lemon Crowns

    I would like to obtain seeds for the following:    Lemon Crown   I haven't been able to find many references to it for purchase of seeds, but there was a video review of the variety done:   Lemon Crown Review   It is stated to be a cross between a Bishop's Crown and a Lemon Drop.
  8. KingLeerUK

    seed-train Coheed's 2014 and Beyond Seed Train ***NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS FOR ROUND 3***

    I would like to take a ride on this crazy train!
  9. KingLeerUK

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

      Basically the older version of this: 2-Gallon Garden Sprayer with 3 tip options   And before I get the Monsanto witch burners down on me; I needed a sprayer and this one was on sale at the time.   The sprayer with the fine mist tip gives very even coverage.
  10. KingLeerUK

    OKGrowin- Newbie 5 gal pepper journey - Fin

    Because it's the pepper that OKGrowin deserves, but not the one he needs right now.  So we'll buy a lot of milk.  Because we are gonna pick it and eat it.
  11. KingLeerUK

    OKGrowin- Newbie 5 gal pepper journey - Fin

    Scorpion?  Reaper?  Batman?
  12. KingLeerUK

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    FYI, I've hit my pepper plants with neem oil mixes several times (combined with insect soap it will put some major hurt on aphids) and I've never had a problem.  The main thing is not applying it when the plants are in full sun, thus I always do this kind of treatment after sundown - or in the...
  13. KingLeerUK

    Thorny Peppers

    Lay duct tape across the soil (sticky side up) and see what you catch, or at least see what kind of fur is left behind.   If it is some kind of rodent, the smell of blood meal will drive some off.
  14. KingLeerUK

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    My recipe is pretty basic:   5 gallon bucket, de-chlorinated water (let it aerate overnight with the bubblers going) 2-3 handfuls of organic worm castings 1-2 handfuls of Black Kow composted manure 3-4 handfuls of grass clippings yanked from the corners of the yard (fresh) 1 Tbsp of Plant...
  15. KingLeerUK

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    I always spray from the underside and I also do a soil drench with whatever I'm not using in the foliar (usually 1 gallon in the foliar, remaining 4 gallons spread around in soil feeding).  It just seems that there is a fair bit of runoff and beading that could be counteracted by reducing the...
  16. KingLeerUK

    tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

    So, I've been doing foliar feeds with my AACT brews and I know that there is a benefit derived, but now I'm ready to take it to the next level.  By their nature, chile plant leaves are hydrophobic and I only get limited adhesive of the foliar feed because of this.  What is the "best" wetting...
  17. KingLeerUK

    KingLeerUK's 2014 Grow Log - "Plants Off, Dance Off"

    The first "big" harvest of the season, Trinidad Scorpions, "mystery" (Butch T?), a couple of Devil's Tongue Yellow and Red Habaneros.     Beautiful "mystery" super hots, seeds originally labeled as "Trinidad Scorpion Moruga" but who really knows.  Hotter than a $5 pistol.   Yellow Devil's...
  18. KingLeerUK

    The Chocolate Brain Strain

    I can see that Judy has been putting normal seeds into piles of Godzilla poo.   Those pods are frightening, and amazing.  Well done!
  19. KingLeerUK

    Hot oil extraction

    Capsaicin is oil-soluble and as such you could "boost" your oil bath by adding in pure capsaicin extract or the crystalline form.  You will quickly move beyond anything resembling a "flavourful oil" though and start treading upon the dominion of in-edibility.
  20. KingLeerUK

    KingLeerUK's 2014 Grow Log - "Plants Off, Dance Off"

    I snapped a few pictures on the way out the door this morning.   The Douglahs are putting on a fantastic ruby/burgundy shade; this picture just doesn't do justice.   The Carolina Reaper is continues to get even more bumpy and vicious looking.   Hardening off the "last" of the first round...