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  1. thebat

    fermenting My first mash

    Yeah, I used twist ties with the coating taken off. I didn't have any cotton twine or twine you would use for wrapping up a chicken or turkey. Otherwise I would have used that. I used the plate because of the opening of the jar was smaller than the inner diameter of the jar (use canning jars of...
  2. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    Also, I've been top watering all the cells I remove so wouldn't that also run some of the nutes in the soil out? I'll start to try bottom watering though.
  3. thebat

    fermenting My first mash

    Yeah, I'll just skim it off when it comes time to open the jar. Nice thing about having an air lock is you don't have to keep the jar cracked and its as easy as set it and forget it! :) It's amazing how much developed in the short 4 day time period though.
  4. thebat

    fermenting My first mash

    A lil update. Lots and lots of bubbles!!! ...and kahm yeast? You can see that the yeast is trapping 2 bubbles on the edge of the jar.
  5. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    Ok, I'll try watering them less first and if there is no response I'll give em a little food. Its just regular tap water too, shouldn't make a difference right? I'm not gonna be adding that till later on for sure but I may go get some since I've heard its pretty good.
  6. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    I only water cells when the soil looks light brown and airy/dry. Some cells stay dryer longer than other while some dry out a bit faster. So lighten up a bit on watering and they should green up? How much ferts should I give them and what type? Alaskan fish ferts good enough for these lil guys...
  7. thebat

    Thebats 2012 glog

    So some of my sprouts are having some yellowing around the edges and curling downwards. I haven't given them any nutes yet and they're about 5-6" from my light. Any help?
  8. thebat

    fermenting My first mash

    That is true. I didn't have those other methods on hand and since I was sanitizing other things I figured I would toss the marbles in.
  9. thebat

    fermenting My first mash

    I'll be adding more later. I just went with this because I spaced when I went to the store and didn't get more ingredients. I'll be trying to make a fruity hot sauce.
  10. thebat

    fermenting My first mash

    I definitely plan on it! There are already lots of bubbles in the jar and the airlock. I figured I'd weigh out all the stuff and post it up since I'm making a hot sauce with it later and I know everyone here loves a good documented hot sauce! :D
  11. thebat

    fermenting My first mash

    I had to post this up because I'm so excited about it. I decided to start a hab mash to make my first hot sauce later with my own recipe instead of one given to me. To make my mash I used 125g carrots 500g habs 45g pickling/canning salt 2/3 cup whey from greek yogurt water to top it off a jar...
  12. thebat

    How pepper plants may be infected with a virus. high level...

    That's all very confusing to me but when I read "t-cell" along with virus I immediately thought of resident evil...
  13. thebat

    flavor flavor lossless recipe for a newbie

    If you plan on trying to get a perfect recipe for yourself you can always make tiny batches and see how those turn out. From there you can tweak the recipe a bit to taste. Also, weigh out your ingredients and if the sauce turns out good post up the recipe! I'm sure many people here would love to...
  14. thebat


    I just bought 4 kinds of seeds spur of the moment from reading in this thread. :whistle:
  15. thebat

    vendor EBay Chile Seeds

    I bought some seeds on ebay this year. White habs from one seller and yellow bumpy from another. The white habs have a good germination rate (about 80%) now I have to wait to see if they are actually white habs. The yellow bumpy seller was one of the only people who would sell them and ship to...
  16. thebat

    food Hot honey

    It is quite good. I am hoping to make it again at some point with a different pepper though.
  17. thebat

    Trini food!

    That looks delicious! What is the name of the restaurant? I really want to go there and try it now :)
  18. thebat

    food Hot honey

    I personally prefer the metric system. Just seems so much easier to me :)
  19. thebat

    food Hot honey

    It would be wonderful in tea! Dried pods would probably work quite well for heat without extra liquids too.