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  1. PepperWhisperer

    Need first time advice on buying/planting peppers

    "It puts the Nitrogen on its roots or it gets the hose!"   -The Silence of the Seedlings
  2. PepperWhisperer

    shade Can plants go into shock from handling ? Drainage question , Heat wave coming shade or don't shade

    Drooping during the day is just the plant trying to keep cool. Drooping in the overnight is an indication the plant needs more water. If the soil soil is still damp, it probably doesn't need more water. 90 is what we call a pleasant day here and the plants seem to love it too. 100+ and everybody...
  3. PepperWhisperer

    pepper accidents

    Just today at lunch. I used a knife to slice up a Red Hab for my pizza. Later the wife wanted to cut one of her slices in half. I said, "it's contaminated!" She looked at me and proceeded to cut her slice of pizza with the knife. Two minutes later she is breathing heavy and fanning her mouth. "I...
  4. PepperWhisperer

    What hybrids do you intend to try and create this season?

    I have what I am fairly certain is a Tabasco x Goat's Weed that just set it's first pod. So far it is pointy like a Goat's Weed. The leaves are bigger like the Tabasco and inherited a bit of hair and a more elongated shape from the Goat's Weed. I can't wait to see what color it ripens to and...
  5. PepperWhisperer

    water Is it ok to water in the middle of a really hot day?

    32C is....not that hot. Last week we had a couple of days of 40C+ and the peppers were really drooping badly in the mid afternoon. On really hot days I try to only water in the evening or early morning. It seems to me that wet soil in the blasting heat of the day tends to cook the plants. A dry...
  6. PepperWhisperer

    Pyrethrin users .. a question

    I spray only in the evening for two reasons. It is a known fact that pyrethrin breaks down rapidly in the sun and I have seen numerous reports that pyrethrins can have phytotoxic effects if applied in large doses and combined with high heat/sunlight. I only spray on an as-needed basis when I see...
  7. PepperWhisperer

    pod with hole?

    Remove their habitat. Earwigs like to live in piles of rotting wood, like mulch. 
  8. PepperWhisperer

    food Heat vs Flavor

    Tabasco, at the medium-dark orange stage. Pretty good fresh, really good as a quick pickle with vinegar+salt+sugar. It all depends though. Sometimes I'm in the mood for habs, or Thai, or a roasted Hatch pepper. So many choices.
  9. PepperWhisperer

    crazy idea: growing on the roof?

    The roof looks like it has a high albedo, so probably not going to get much benefit on cooling the house. It does look like a nice spot for growing, assuming a mild climate. 
  10. PepperWhisperer

    pod with hole?

    Pods with holes is usually birds, though that bug is pretty gnarly!
  11. PepperWhisperer

    Need first time advice on buying/planting peppers

    I only brought up Cayenne because you can find it in every grocery store. Ethnic markets are your friend. When in doubt, try it out! If you like the taste of a fresh pepper you bought, save the seeds and grow it. That works for some dried and smoked peppers too, depends on how they dried it. 
  12. PepperWhisperer

    Total noob,please advise...

    Overall I think you are doing great. Most of your plants look very robust, and even the ones with issues are not really that bad. A few tweaks and you will be rolling in pods. Keep it up!
  13. PepperWhisperer

    Need first time advice on buying/planting peppers

    Cayenne is probably the most all-purpose pepper around in the USA. You can get it almost everywhere powdered or flaked and sometimes fresh. Good for a dose of heat without much flavor impact. It's a big step up from Jalapeno in heat per unit weight and it will totally disappear in the rest of...
  14. PepperWhisperer

    Total noob,please advise...

    The torn and burnt leaf edges does not look like aphids. Could be Nitrogen burn combined with some heat stress, but there are other ways to get damage like that.   The trinidad looks fine, maybe give it a very light dose of ferts at the next watering and see if the new growth starts to darken...
  15. PepperWhisperer

    help me ID Passiflora edulis

    That looks like some kind of weed. The leaves are all wrong and it isn't displaying a vine-like growth habit. In the second pic it looks like there are several flowers on the plants and none of them look anything like any passion vine I have seen.    Passiflora is a fairly large genus and not...
  16. PepperWhisperer

    OMG - Pain Has Arrived!!

    That pod was huge. I could tell after a while you were just wishing you could swallow it but you had to keep chewing  :fireball:
  17. PepperWhisperer

    OMG - Pain Has Arrived!!

    WANT!!   Those pods look great. Like little grenades!
  18. PepperWhisperer

    Pepper leaves - edible!

    ^^^^^^^ hahaha!!! Good thing you didn't try to get rid of that garden "pest"! It wouldn't be the pepper leaves that killed you  :rofl:
  19. PepperWhisperer

    Pepper leaves - edible!

    I never heard of eating pepper leaves, but the other day my mother-in-law tossed a big fistful of young pepper leaves in some soup. I was totally shocked, and when I asked her about it she gave me a look like I was some kind of idiot. "Sure! of course you can eat them, they are delicious!" I...
  20. PepperWhisperer

    Fuzzy Stalks on my Anaheim Plant

    Never known anaheim to be pubescent. Probably a mislabeled serrano. The hair helps on really hot days to give a little sun screen and also prevent evaporative water loss. 