Fuzzy Stalks on my Anaheim Plant

Hey guys,

I can't recall if this was an Anaheim bought from the store or grown from seed but the plant has white fuzz on it. Is this normal?

I wonder if that's even an Anaheim, leaves look similar to Serrano. If it was store bought, it may have been another mislabel.
Just did a google image search for anaheim plants, and with the results it's hard to tell.
Now for the fun part, waiting to see what type of pods form !!!
I had serranos that did this last year. This year I have goatsweed and it is doing it even worse than the pics you have. It's okay.
Anaheims shouldn't be fuzzy, so you likely have something like a Serrano which is naturally "fuzzy". There are a few other varieties that are fuzzy too.
Hmm. I do have Serranos growing this year. I'm usually pretty careful marking my seedlings/pots. I'm wondering if I had mistakenly done so.
Never known anaheim to be pubescent. Probably a mislabeled serrano. The hair helps on really hot days to give a little sun screen and also prevent evaporative water loss. 