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  1. Coup

    food Making Hot Italian Giardiniera

    So I've been wanting to make my own giardiniera, but I am noticing a trend that the stuff you buy on the store shelves is super delicious and shelf-stable, while the stuff you make at home needs to be used within a few weeks (one place said within 4 days) because of the presence of oil when...
  2. Coup

    food Fridge Pickling vs. Canning Pickling

      Gonna definitely try this out this weekend. I've got a half gallon jar I need to pack up and this seems like the perfect opportunity.
  3. Coup

    condiment What is YOUR favorite salsa recipe?

      Hey Juanitos, I made this salsa tonight and it is THE BOMB. I can really tell the Knorr takes all the seasoning game right outta the equation - very strong, but very delicious (I used the tomato-chicken one). This might be a staple for me.
  4. Coup

    Newby first batch

      Aww crap, I made my brines with 15g / 2 cups (3%). Am I in trouble?
  5. Coup

    food Fridge Pickling vs. Canning Pickling

    Heya folks,   Of those of us who have done water-bath canning of our peppers to pickle them, and have also done fridge pickling without the need for a water bath, which one comes out better do you think? Does the low-oxygen environment of a canned pickling jar make a big difference versus simply...
  6. Coup

    condiment What is YOUR favorite salsa recipe?

      Now that is a LOT of salsa.   Keep em' comin' ya'll!
  7. Coup

    condiment What is YOUR favorite salsa recipe?

      I think I'm definitely going to try this next time!
  8. Coup

    condiment What is YOUR favorite salsa recipe?

      My method for "fire roasting" has always been to set the oven on "broil" and set stuff at the very tippy-top of the oven. Works every time!
  9. Coup

    fermenting Mono variety or blended ferment

    Really depends on what you want to make! If you want a sauce that is explicitly for spicing something up to high heaven, make an all-hot sauce that you can add to something else. To use it by itself though, that might require some more finesse and some added flavors to cut the extreme heat.   I...
  10. Coup

    condiment What is YOUR favorite salsa recipe?

    Howdy there, folks.   I'm wondering what ya'lls favorite salsa recipes are. I've got a cilantro lime salsa I'd love to share with you (it's my girl's favorite and has come out great every time), and would just like some of your personal favorites so I can try em' at home.   Coup's Cilantro Lime...
  11. Coup

    fermenting A long day of ferments and pickling

      Thanks Mike :) I am using one of the salsa recipes the SmokinFire posted a while back (see the jar on the right), but do you guys have any favorites? If so, I'd love to hear your favorite ferment / pickling recipes.
  12. Coup

    fermenting A long day of ferments and pickling

    Howdy folks one and all, I bring you a particular weekend of my harvest that has been on my plate for some time. I recently got into canning and fermenting, and decided it was time to give it a whirl on my harvest.     Operation was done with a mixture of hot peppers (left sink), sweet peppers...
  13. Coup

    Ferment and pickling madness rn

    Ferment and pickling madness rn
  14. Coup

    Walchit's Glog 2017

    Absolute treat reading this puppy over, especially since I just got into canning and pickling. Loving it!
  15. Coup

    condiment Salsa canning questions

      Same place! I just made 6 more beds at the house and kept the church garden, though I am decidedly at the church garden less. I think I might give it up since I have plenty of room at the home.
  16. Coup

    condiment Salsa canning questions

      Hey Malarky! Good to see you too.   Yessir, I did! I didn't keep a glog this year because I was trying a lot of new things, and wanted some more experience hands-on. I got a few pics here though:
  17. Coup

    condiment Salsa canning questions

    Thanks for the tips, ya'll. They are fresh tomatoes so I imagine they should be acidic enough (though store-bought, so who can really tell). I'll find out next week if I get botulism or not when I test it out!
  18. Coup

    condiment Salsa canning questions

    Howdy folks. Got a question regarding canning salsa for shipping, but I am finding a lot of conflicting information online.   I have this cilantro lime salsa that I make that comes out really nice, but a lot of recipes I find online call for vinegar to make sure it's acidic. However, whenever I...
  19. Coup

    fermenting Ferment help - how's it coming along?

      Thanks for the wealth of info, SmokenFire!   I cracked her open and she didn't smell bad at all - quite the opposite, smelled great and robust. I got my pH test strips out but couldn't get an accurate reading of the pH, so I boiled the sauce and then threw it in the oven at 300 degrees for 10...