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other-condiments What is YOUR favorite salsa recipe?

Howdy there, folks.
I'm wondering what ya'lls favorite salsa recipes are. I've got a cilantro lime salsa I'd love to share with you (it's my girl's favorite and has come out great every time), and would just like some of your personal favorites so I can try em' at home.
Coup's Cilantro Lime
  • 6 Roma tomatoes
  • 1 medium bell pepper
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 3 small jalapenos
  • 1 small ripened Serrano
  • 1/4 medium red onion
  • Zest and juice from 1 lime
  • 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • salt and pepper to taste
Post your favorites!
That one sounds great! Since looking for something new, one thing I would say is, try adding some grilled pineapple to that recipe. Really takes on a great flavor after grilling, and is a great addition to many salsas.
I have been using this recipe posted by THP member BeerBreath81 since he posted it a couple three years back.  I always adjust/alter with whatever peppers, etc I have on hand, but it's fantastic as written as well.  It makes a lot of salsa, but I have pressure canned and frozen bags of it before with no problem.
Nothing better than opening a jar of salsa from your garden in the middle of winter.  ;)
Hawaiianero said:
I've tried a store-bought version with both mango and pineapple. Good but almost too sweet and needed to bump the heat with a couple of minced up chocolate habs to really enjoy it.
I ran into that with Jack's Mango Salsa. A few jalapenos, habs or Ajis took care of it but still a little too sweet. Very tasty with fish though. I found it to be oddly addictive.
juanitos said:
this simple charred salsa from my ita. it's simple and cheap, they do not have very much money so yea.
charring the tomato / garlic / onion / pepper first make it so much better than raw salsa, love that smokey/grill flavor and cooking really brings out the umami flavor in the tomato 
Agreed, you can char everything pretty much, such great flavor. If you don't have a grill a hot cast iron works... think fajitas.
Yup that works great too! The CI just does it a little different since there is contact with the pan, and it seals cut edges nicely, like tomato wedges, giving them a bit of caramelization.
jedisushi06 said:
I hickory smoked 20 pounds of tomatoes saturday and added 2 gallons of roasted green chiles, lime juice, salt, pepper, smoked ghost pepper powder, garlic, cilantro, onion, coriander, cumin.  Heated to 170 and ph was at 3.  Canned in heated and cleaned canning jars.  
Now that is a LOT of salsa.
Keep em' comin' ya'll!
I usually saute a bunch of onion and bell pepper, with whatever hot peppers also, then add in tomatoes and salt and lime/lemon juice and vinegar of some sort.and cilantro, have used dried and fresh. Haven't formulated a recipe yet, usually just use whatever I can get at the time. Haven't made a batch since I got this ph meter, been freezing tomatoes and peppers for a big batch though
Back when I was brewing beer, I thought to myself can I make a better beer, cheaper than what is available. Running the numbers, the answer was no. So my go to salsa comes in canned or jars from the store. Either Herdez, or El Pato.
juanitos said:
this simple charred salsa from my ita. it's simple and cheap, they do not have very much money so yea.
charring the tomato / garlic / onion / pepper first make it so much better than raw salsa, love that smokey/grill flavor and cooking really brings out the umami flavor in the tomato 
Hey Juanitos, I made this salsa tonight and it is THE BOMB. I can really tell the Knorr takes all the seasoning game right outta the equation - very strong, but very delicious (I used the tomato-chicken one). This might be a staple for me.
The Hot Pepper said: