Haha happened to me with some stuff on European graigslist type of site. Bought used Hella car beamers and they were shipped with waste paper padding, including receipts, bills, letters from social security etc
They ordered a handscuffs an anal starter kit and some small stuff. People may do...
I'm from Europe, so I can't help you. Though you might want to specify your taste in beers. Cascade is a good allrounder, but if you prefer a bit more "bite" and bitterness to it (as I do). Then you might want to consider a strain like Hallertauer, if you can get your hands on it in the US. If...
Too bad, you had a nice selection. I can't blame you though, with the price per packet it seems you have to put in crazy amounts of time just to generate some revenue. Even if you sell a lot, harvesting seeds, counting, trips to the post office etc suck up your time. Especially with some kids...
Don't fert - fresh potting soil has plenty of nutes. But indeed, rinse in luke warm water to get rid of all the soil. Check for larvae, eggs, bugs, mold etc.
Put it in the brightest light you can offer (realistic, don't toast it).
Haha queequeg, I'm growing stropharia rugosoannulata (winecap mushroom). One of the few (if not the only) edible stropharias. The other ones are deemed poisonous due the psilocybin content (psychedelic stuff, though those varieties are grown by other folk). I'm on a medical forum here in the...
I'm not sure if there are any experienced growers here, but do the light requiring types like the oyster and shiitake need indirect sunlight or will a single 18w TL 6500k bulb do?
This season I have some space left in my grow room (though not under grow light) but I do have a desk with a single...
I have hickory, Beech, birch, oak and chestnut chips for my smoker.. Though when I tried to work with the shiitake on the oak chips they covered in a white and Orange mold that wasn't shiitake. But no worries, it should work with pink oyster. If not I'll try again.
Yes, I heard about that. That's why I chose for the pink oyster. It's one of the more forgiving mushrooms (simply because it incubates so fast). It's more for the sake of science then for the actual harvest it self. I'd like to gain some experience with mushrooms and I thought it would be a...
I'm fairly new to growing mushrooms. I'm currently working with some grey oysters, yellow oysters, shiitake and stropharia rugosoannulata. I'm growing on wooddust (shiitake), straw with soil (stropharia) and straw (oysters). I'm also planning to start a culture of pink oysters when the weather...
Haha too late to chip in. Travelled to the US for business.. So I'm stuck in San Diego CA for New year.. I was sleep deprived for >30 hours as I had a shit load to do before flying (figured I'd sleep in the plane). Finally I got to sleep and all of a sudden they start fireworks. Could've used...
Watermelon needs quite some warmth and time. If you look for the variety Sugar Baby you might have more luck. I got tennisball/baseball sized very sweet melons. They are also relatively mold resistent to other larger varieties.
Saturated fats are the nr 1 reason of heart desease. It doesn't mean a burger will kill you ;)
Some varieties tolerate wet soil more than others. Also the bag of soil, even of the same Brand/type can make a huge difference. Even some lumps of fibrous material can cause a wetspot in a cup. There...
No holes isn't the problem. That helps with aeration, not drainage. Most soil won't drain sufficiently to prevent root rot.
Just wait until the cups feel lighter, water a bit so that there is a tablespoon of water on it. This will drain through the cup because of gravity and the capillair...