I tried using lady bugs and other various bugs. They all died and the aphids and white flies took over again. I got tired of the organic approach and realized if I didn't break out the big guns the plants where going to suffer. Those a$$holes almost killed some of my plants last year. And set...
What is it about forums now a days. You recommend something and the next thing you know the bullets start flying....I just don't get it. If you don't want it don't buy it. It's simply someone giving their two cents about a product.
My first purchase of seeds ever was from the McDermott's over at Buckeye. I have only purchased from them, Puckerbutt, Pepper Lover and Mojo Pepper. And one set of seeds from Tyler Farms. I paid lots of money, but my seeds are first rate. And all are growing true.
I heard so many bad things that I never had the guts to purchase from either source. I mean it takes so much time and energy to raise a plant from seed. That I figured why go through all the work, just to play pepper plant jeapordy.
I bought from a local nursery one time. The scorpion was lanky and yellow. I cut it back and let it regrow. Turned into a beautiful plant with tasty peppers.
Welcome to THP. And welcome to the world of pepper seeds purchased from ebay. Looks like a rooster spur pepper to me. Seeds are only as good as the source you get them from.
That's what I was thinking. Perhaps the seeds came from a cross pollinated plant. It's really hard to control thousands of seeds and plants. Especially with pepperlover and all their different varieties.
Got pods coming on heavy with most of my Chinense's. I have a Fatalii plant that was grown from Pepperlover seeds. I am quite suspicious of a couple pods on the plant. They appear very Bhut like in my opinion. And with many bhuts growing near by I would not be surprised. Or perhaps a seed...
Khang uses osmocote. But he also uses hydro liquid ferts 90% of the time. And uses Osmo just to supplement the soil. Some of his plants last year where showing massive deficiencies with just the Osmocote. Talking about his outdoor plants