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  1. Matty_89

    Now then! Hello from Sheffield UK

    Now then, now then. Glad to see someone else from the UK, Welcome to the forum :)
  2. Matty_89

    hope we make it through this.

    Holy S**t look at the size of that hail! Hope everything gets sorted out quickly, glad everyone is alright.
  3. Matty_89

    Hot Beer Sauce

    +1 on this, I think if you could find a fairly sweet and strong tasting IPA it would go nicely :) I'm keen to see how this all turns out :beer:
  4. Matty_89

    exam revision :/

    exam revision :/
  5. Matty_89

    I know it's kinda late in the season to be starting but...

    Yes I think favorable would be the word to use when comparing the weather in Slovenia to the UK! Just been having a look at your growing thread, seems like yours are coming along quite well...hopefully the Habs will catch up soon.
  6. Matty_89

    Hello! Please dun hit me in the face! :D

    :welcome: I found the WE in " " rather amusing :) Hopefully you will find the forums useful, I know that I've learned a lot in the past few days :)
  7. Matty_89

    Tolerance is a-buildin'

    I tend to be the same, body adapts very quickly! However, as quick as my tolerance builds up, it soon depletes once I stop eating hot things for a while. :lol:
  8. Matty_89

    Hello all

    :welcome: from across the pond
  9. Matty_89

    Periodic table of peppers!

    Being that I'm a chemistry geek, I rather like this :lol: :dance:
  10. Matty_89

    chinense Habanero's Designation of Origin Raises Questions

    This is indeed interesting, I'll be keen to know how it affects habs in the EU
  11. Matty_89

    I know it's kinda late in the season to be starting but...

    Yeahh I will stick a few seeds in, just to have a go! I think I might have to set up my friends equipment....also believe he has a hydro kit, but I cannot be bothered with all of that.
  12. Matty_89

    I know it's kinda late in the season to be starting but...

    Thanks for all of the idea's guys. :) Giving it some thought I think I'll get myself a plant or two this year and try properly with the seeds next year. Humm now what plant would I like.... :think:
  13. Matty_89

    Greetings from the UK

    Ha, I'm sure I'll spend the next 8 or 9 months hunting down seeds for next year!
  14. Matty_89

    Greetings from the UK

    Hello dave, I'm from Leicester in the Midlands...however due to me being a student I also live in Hull for 31 weeks of the year! What about yourself? Yeah I suppose that it wouldn't be a bad idea to get hold of a plant and go from there.
  15. Matty_89

    hobbies Gamers here?

    Hello fellow gamers, was just about to start a thread on Call of Duty and the like, but thought it would be wise to search the forums first! Many of us on xbox? If anyone is up for playing some COD, or battlefield then just feel free to add me :) Also, does anyone have Homefront? If the...
  16. Matty_89

    New moderator team

    Congrats to the new mods, hopefully everyone on here will be keeping you busy :)
  17. Matty_89

    I know it's kinda late in the season to be starting but...

    So yeah, I know it's kinda late in the season to be starting but can anyone recommend anything that would be ok to start growing now? I guess I'd just be growing on a windowsill or something like that...however I am led to believe that my friend has a artificial light (from growing the naughty...
  18. Matty_89

    Greetings from the UK

    Haven't actually got anything growing this year, but I'm thinking of picking up some seeds tomorrow... although it's almost a tad late to be sowing them! Could you recommend anything that would be okay to get going in the next couple of days?
  19. Matty_89

    contest May Ideas

    Indian/Pakistani foods have my vote, great flavors with plenty of spice! However you can't beat anything that's BBQ'd.
  20. Matty_89

    Fatalli and Lime

    Lime is such a good flavor, goes with anything hot. Looking forward to making this!