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  1. NIbbles

    food hot sauce for meat

    any type. mainly chicken or beef
  2. NIbbles

    food hot sauce for meat

    does anyone have a good recipe for meat? I ma looking for something with heat and flavor, not a true hot sauce. something like a meat dressing you get at the store, or a bbq sauce. thanks
  3. NIbbles

    What color is Pepper X ?

      yes! this is exactly what i am saying. there are no test on either of these peppers, only speculation and what the growers say. I can not force myself to believe any of these peppers are what people say they are until there is scientific proof. They are using these peppers as advertisement and...
  4. NIbbles

    What color is Pepper X ?

      I believe they have pepper x seeds, but like the comment above said, the results should be back now if not at least a small bit of data should. by a small bit of data we could see if it might have a chance at being 3 mill. shu's. I think they are not releasing it because if it is not as hot...
  5. NIbbles

    ok here we please tell me if i missed something

    for watering i mist mine with a spray bottle 2-3 sprays a day and keep them in the sun. if they are covered in a bag or half cut bottle a mist is only needed once a week. Just keep the soil moist all the way down not wet.
  6. NIbbles


  7. NIbbles


  8. NIbbles

    has anyone seen anything on the pepperx

    has anyone seen anything on the pepperx
  9. NIbbles

    What color is Pepper X ?

    I do not think so because I feel like people would know if they have the new or older version 
  10. NIbbles

    health Lower leaves getting yellow, brittle, some brownish spots and then fall off

    yes this is called wintering your peppers. the is a great page on this here
  11. NIbbles

    My 2017/2018 Glog

    good looking pods! they have grown so much. I wish I had a greenhouse
  12. NIbbles

    My 2017/2018 Glog

    Extremely nice flower pics! They look so beautiful. how do you get those  close up shots
  13. NIbbles

    Pepper X Count Down

    i personally doubt that it is as hot as it has said to be
  14. NIbbles

    ok here we please tell me if i missed something

    looks great. just wait they take a lot of time to germinate
  15. NIbbles

    What color is Pepper X ?

    my question is, is the pepper in the fbi pod review actually the pepper x? in my opinion it looks nothing like the ones on he shows. I know about people saying that someone stole some and shipped it around the world, but could that be more drama?                                         look up...
  16. NIbbles

    Overwintering Hot Peppers as Houseplants

    love the fuzzy pepper. like all your others, it looks great!
  17. NIbbles

    health Leaf tips becoming brown and brown/black spots on the underside

    i use a 40:60 ratio of perlite and compost! YUM! :party:
  18. NIbbles

    Pepper People are the Best
