What color is Pepper X ?

Gorizza said:
If it makes a difference, smokin Ed is still using the green sauce on his dinner. Check his instagram

It is green again?  I wonder if it is like a mood ring in a sauce.  That would be really useful on a date.
Well if a man can make a living gardening this is awesome.  I'm tired of working and would just like to work at the garden center 10 to 2:00 3 days a week.  I can water shit act like I know something.  Oh my this would be my dream job next to being a beer tester for only beer I like.  
Elscott said:
Well if a man can make a living gardening this is awesome.  I'm tired of working and would just like to work at the garden center 10 to 2:00 3 days a week.  I can water shit act like I know something.  Oh my this would be my dream job next to being a beer tester for only beer I like.  
Then you are going to love this.  Lived in Germany for a bit.  They have these things called "Bier Gardens". 
Great place to test SpiceFreak's new pretzel mood sauce.
AJ Drew said:
What color is it?
Lol, I love how that's the first question you ask about a supposedly even hotter brown pepper.

Smokin' Ed was present for the physical release of the The Last Dab sauce and had with him a plate of fresh peppers. Supposedly, these were all unnamed and unreleased varieties from his secret garden stash. It was the first look we got at the placenta of Pepper X (still in its green stage) but there was brown pepper on the place that was said by at least one taster to be much hotter.

It has not, IIRC, been confirmed but it strongly suspected that that pepper is the 5 million SHU variety that Ed still claims to have "in his back pocket".

Of course, if Pepper X is a dud then being much hotter than it becomes meaningless and the 5 million claim becomes highly suspect.
spicefreak said:
It has not, IIRC, been confirmed but it strongly suspected that that pepper is the 5 million SHU variety that Ed still claims to have "in his back pocket".

Of course, if Pepper X is a dud then being much hotter than it becomes meaningless and the 5 million claim becomes highly suspect.
If I had a five million brown in my back pocket, my ass would be on fire.  That joke was really funny when it was in my head.  Now, not so much. 
I dont really know what to think when it comes to this or the other .tabloid style controversies in Pepperdom.  During the summer, I wake up, drink coffee, tend plants, go to sleep and repeat.  In the winter, if I am not counting seeds or getting things started under lights, I am crafting.  I rarely even leave my farm.  By just about all accounts I am one of the most boring people on earth.
So I started selling produce on line.  Never did I think I was entering an industry with some of the most colorful characters on earth. I realize I sound a bit like Mr. Smith going to Washington when I say it is all absolutely fascinating.
AJ Drew said:
Then you are going to love this.  Lived in Germany for a bit.  They have these things called "Bier Gardens". 
Great place to test SpiceFreak's new pretzel mood sauce.
Lived there a few years my self.  Life will never be that fun again nor do I believe Germany will ever be like it was before.
Ok here is question... hasnt Last Dab Hot Sauce been around for awhile? Wasnt it made with reapers originally, way before Pepper X existed? That right there could explain the color change, maybe some people had the older sauce. Just throwing that out there. His mistake would be in changing the ingredient and calling it the same sauce.
Crispee-FL said:
Ok here is question... hasnt Last Dab Hot Sauce been around for awhile? Wasnt it made with reapers originally, way before Pepper X existed? That right there could explain the color change, maybe some people had the older sauce. 
No. The sauce first appeared on the show in July as far as I know. It wasn't sold to the public until September of this year. The early batches of the sauce were a mustard color, and current batches are coming out red. Pretty much the opposite of what you would expect if the early batches were made with Reapers and then later ones were made with Pepper X.
BlackFatalii said:
No. The sauce first appeared on the show in July as far as I know. It wasn't sold to the public until September of this year. The early batches of the sauce were a mustard color, and current batches are coming out red. Pretty much the opposite of what you would expect if the early batches were made with Reapers and then later ones were made with Pepper X.
All I can say is I tasted it in green form, a fellow chilehead brought it over, it was nothing special heat overpowered any flavor. IMO
Elscott said:
Well if a man can make a living gardening this is awesome.  I'm tired of working and would just like to work at the garden center 10 to 2:00 3 days a week.  I can water shit act like I know something.  Oh my this would be my dream job next to being a beer tester for only beer I like.  

I am sorry I missed this earlier because the first line is incredible.  In fact, that is my aim.  Thanks to a series of really strange events in my life, its about all I can do these days.  My farm uses very little machinery compared to most, so it really is large scale gardening more than small scale farming.  Not sure if that makes sense.  Thing is, even if I had not gotten to this point via adversity, I would love being here.  It is an amazing feeling to know holiday gifts came from something I grew from something as small as a pepper seed.

It is an AMAZING life.  But it is huge and often painful work.  If you are serious about being interested in the profession, I am more than happy to share what little I have figured out so far.