What color is Pepper X ?

Pepper X is now being used to make a hot sauce.  The creator has been on talk shows talking about it.  He has shown some examples of the thing.  There have now been news paper articles on it.  But we do not know so much as the color?  Seems like that tiny bit of information would be right there before people start talking about it.
Last Dab - Made with Pepper X, it seems first it was a green sauce and later red.  Someone here mentioned writing the promoters who said something like that is what chili do, first they are green and then they are red.  Kind of an odd statement, but OK they are saying the first Last Dab sauce was made with immature red pods.  So Pepper X is red.  Odd, but I will buy that.

Photos of Pepper X - In photos and video, the pepper is shown as green and mustard greenish.

FBI Review - In the FBI review, the reviewer shows not only a green pepper but one that has some mustard.  I do not recall a pepper that finishes red ever showing the mustard transition that is fond in moruga scorpion.  What he reviews looks more like a ripe pepper that finishes green n mustard.

So what color is Pepper X?  Seems like such an easy question but it is surrounded by weirdness. Could all the weirdness be marketing?

my question is, is the pepper in the fbi pod review actually the pepper x? in my opinion it looks nothing like the ones on he shows. I know about people saying that someone stole some and shipped it around the world, but could that be more drama?
                                        look up pepper x and then look up pepper x pod review   
I just don't think they look alike at all. so the mystery still continues, what is the color of the pepper x....
Nibbles, I am starting to think that the reported theft and all those boxes that went out are unrelated.  

Boxes of Pepper X -The boxes going everywhere seems to be an attack on Puckerbutt.  Get a bunch of people reviewing it, saying it is not that hot.  Get a bunch of seed folk selling it and dilute the name.
Pepper Theft - As I recall, the news paper article that said only two peppers were stolen indicated that Puckerbutt thinks a competitor on the west coast orchestrated the theft.   I think a lot of pepper heads see west coast and think of one person.
Either way, yes it is drama.  Thing is, my goal is to build a reputable business that treats and pays employees a fair wage.  So when things like this happen and they involve the truly successful growers / seed folk I try to pay attention and figure it out.  Goal being to one day be successful enough with the farm to make a meaningful difference to employees who might not be able to work normal jobs for what ever reason.  I dont think I am going to learn much from this one but it is kind of fun to watch the train wreck.

Who here has grown any number of mustard types?  I've grown fruits labelled mustard from the habanero and Trinidad Scorpion families.  The habanero did eventually turn into an orange pod (certainly not red, though).  The scorpion variety absolutely stayed green through the maturing process until it started to rot.  At no point does that variety turn orange or red, but the yellowish mustard color inside is pretty pronounced.   The earliest releases of any Pepper X seemed to indicate that it was a mustard variety.
That being said, I remember seeing a video of Ed Currie talking about the Reaper a few years ago, and he casually threw out a threat to anyone thinking they were going to take his throne from him.  He said something along the lines of having a FEW varieties "in his back pocket" that he could roll out at any time that would beat the Reaper.  The implication was that no one should bother challenging his status as king of capsaicin.  My suspicion is that Pepper X WAS a mustard pepper, but early opinions were underwhelming, and now he is going about to substitute one of his other peppers as "Pepper X".  As I mentioned in the other thread, "Pepper X" wasn't going to be the proper name for his creation, so he had wiggle room until he decided which variety he was going to trot out.
Habanerobeets, ye but to release a hot sauce with something called Pepper X and then change the pepper in the hot sauce continuing to call it Pepper X is just plain weird.
AJ Drew said:
Habanerobeets, ye but to release a hot sauce with something called Pepper X and then change the pepper in the hot sauce continuing to call it Pepper X is just plain weird.
No, it's not weird, it's intentionally deceitful.  I'm 90% certain that what I described to you is what happened.  The delay for Pepper X is because he's still sorting out what Pepper X is!  It is, apparently, now going to be a red of his choosing.  
Don't you think it's dishonest that he's releasing all these bottles of hot sauce before any official picture of the pepper exists?  (Limit two per customer at $20 a bottle).  EVERY single picture of a purported Pepper X looked like a Mustard Moruga.  Now the bottle of sauce is red.  And these are the ingredients:
Pepper X peppers, distilled vinegar, ginger root, turmeric, coriander, cumin, dry mustard
Mix up those ingredients and tell me what color you are adding.  Brownish-yellow.
Yes!  Finally someone else thinks it looks green moruga!  On calling it just plain weird, eve if it I were trying to pull something off I would not change the color fo the sauce mid stride.  It would be like doing all the sly cat burgle stuff like in Mission Impossible and then leaving your business card behind with your finger prints on it.

Well that is odd, gof the Mission Impossible music stuck in my head, I have Secret Agent Man only the lyrics are Secret Pepper Man.
Secret  pepper man, secret pepper man
They've given you a shu and taken away your name
I wouldn't be surprised if the color isn't finished segregating as he continues to select for heat. Remember how different the Reaper seeds everybody was getting were from the pictures Ed was posting back in 2013/2014? I'll bet its not stable, but he's still releasing amounts for review/ hot sauce without being confident enough to sell seed or get it clocked at guinness.
Gorizza said:
I wouldn't be surprised if the color isn't finished segregating as he continues to select for heat. Remember how different the Reaper seeds everybody was getting were from the pictures Ed was posting back in 2013/2014? I'll bet its not stable, but he's still releasing amounts for review/ hot sauce without being confident enough to sell seed or get it clocked at guinness.

Two thoughts.  First is that according to the interviews, the pepper was already tested, already at Guinness, and we will know the results last month.  Well, that didnt happen.  Next thought is I do not remember the reaper jumping colors.  If it happened, I cant imagine entire cops the likes of what is needed to create thousands of bottles of hot sauce.

Nope, this here is weird.
Guitarman said:
I just can't believe we're still wasting time taking all this crap
I am sorry guy. I am a week away from being allowed out of this chair. I am bored out of my skull and things here seem to be slow.

Give me a good topic to run with, please, please some more..... I think I have all but finished the entire internet.
