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  1. djsketchie

    breeding Fatali x Tabasco Hybrid Confirmed

    Finally! (Had camera issues): So the fatali on the top left and the tabasco on the top right joined forces to basically make a monster tabasco. Everything about the hybrid except for the size of the fruits, the seed shape, and the plant itself comes through as a tabasco. All tabasco flavor...
  2. djsketchie

    breeding Fatali x Tabasco Hybrid Confirmed

    It wasn't an intentional cross Omri, just a happy accident. I actually grew datil peppers last year, but they didn't make the cut this year for some reason... I'm pretty sure my bhut's are crossed this year as well, perhaps even with the datil, but there's no way to know for sure. Basically a...
  3. djsketchie

    breeding Fatali x Tabasco Hybrid Confirmed

    My suspicions have been confirmed...the fatali that I decided to put in a 5 gallon bucket was crossed with a tabasco last season. It is a MONSTER of a plant (I guess hybrid vigor) that looks like a chinense, but the fruits definitely favor the tabasco, only they are 2-3x the size of your average...
  4. djsketchie

    hot-sauce TABASCO® Family Reserve

    i think i read somewhere that the tabasco peppers used for this "reserve" sauce were picked from plants on avery island for top quality and aged quite a bit longer than usual. i'm pretty sure for the regular tabasco, most of the peppers are shipped in from central or south america and then...
  5. djsketchie

    Capitone's 2011 Grow: North Carolina

    Good to see a fellow chile head in Raleigh... You may have inspired me to throw some pics up showing my current season's plants. If you ever want to trade some seeds or pods, lemme know. I wouldn't mind trying out some foodarama scotch bonnets since I've heard a lot of good things about them on...
  6. djsketchie

    soil soil sterilization idea?

    I cannot imagine trying to sterilize all my leftover soil in small batches with a microwave or pressure cooker! Kudos to those with that much patience. If they didn't show signs of disease the previous season, I use non-sterilized leftover soil with no problems.
  7. djsketchie

    soil Making my potting soil mix...

    Just out of curiosity millworkman, what is the volume/weight of the miracle grow perlite bag? I can get the stuff in bulk here at my local gardening store, and your mix sounds cheaper than promix, and not too fussy.
  8. djsketchie


    Can't say that I've noticed a lot of swearing, but I don't really check the threads that have nothing to do with chile peppers, ie. The Lounge.
  9. djsketchie

    Plant stalk splitting, which one do I chop off?

    I have heard the gardening urban legend of pinching off the "suckers" that shoot out in between branches on tomato plants to divert energy to making fruit, but I would say leave that chile pepper alone. As discussed on many threads on this board, more branching = more nodes = more flowers = more...
  10. djsketchie

    Chile Pepper Radio Show

    Yeah, I should have clarified a bit on the super hot record imposters...I think we all know where those come from and it rhymes with England. As for the show, I think I'll refrain from going all "dork" and only getting into the nitty gritty when asked specific questions.
  11. djsketchie

    Chile Pepper Radio Show

    So a guy I went to grad school with hosts a local radio show on Saturday mornings and he makes his music themed to a particular a couple of weeks, it will be about chile peppers! I gave him multiple plants last season, one of which was a fatali that he overwintered, and I think I...
  12. djsketchie

    Caribbean Red chile facts

    +1 I'm on my 2nd beer of the evening already, and about to water my plants :beer:
  13. djsketchie

    Caribbean Red chile facts

    After re-reading your posts again, the above quotes clearly contradict each other. I feel like you are desperately trying to prove me wrong about something, and I just don't get it. Either you believe the CRH is a Habanero or you don't. You can't have it both ways. There seems to be some grey...
  14. djsketchie

    Caribbean Red chile facts

    The ones from Potawie's personal picture look like what I thought the true CRH looked like. They have the shape of the typical orange habanero, so it would make sense to me that they be called habaneros. The wrinkly pods from Omri's link are the type of red "habanero" that I...
  15. djsketchie

    Interview with Butch Taylor

    Okay, I have to try some of these crazy Cumari that you guys are talking about...I am officially on the hunt to snag some seed from someone here at THP. I also wanted a good excuse to snag my 100th post!
  16. djsketchie

    Caribbean Red chile facts

    Very interesting! -- and somewhat sad if Monsanto is behind it... Sources?
  17. djsketchie

    Planted To Deep

    I had a major problem last season when I only "lightly dusted" my seeds with seedling mix -- ended up with a lot of seedlings that didn't shed their seed coat without a little assistance. Planted this year's crop deeper and the problem went away. Just my experience...
  18. djsketchie

    Caribbean Red chile facts

    I feel somewhat compelled to step back in momentarily, since the whole reason this thread exists is because of me... I think that clarity and constraint is crucial for debates/discussions/arguments etc., and maybe I can add a little bit. The more well defined a question, the quicker it usually...
  19. djsketchie

    Caribbean Red chile facts

    I'm sorry you feel that way Omri, but I'm afraid I don't see how I made it personal. Racking my brain here...If saying you could hold court with Bill Clinton was disparaging, it wasn't my intent, considering he is one of the most well respected figures in the United States (unless you are...