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  1. Matt50680

    hydroponic Extremely Easy Hydroponic How To

    So it has been 3 weeks to the day and here is a growth update. Everybody is still growing and happy. I was growing 2 of them on X-Nutrients solution and 2 of them on Advanced Nutrients Jungle Juice, I mixed both at the label recommended dosage. The root difference is amazing to me...
  2. Matt50680

    in-ground Inground DWC

    How do you plan to evacuate the water to change the solution if it is below ground? Wouldnt rain change the water level in an outdoor DWC?
  3. Matt50680

    Matt's 2012 Grow Log

    Wow, its been 2 weeks already? Man time flies and I loose track of days when I work every day, but the money is nice and the double time on saturday nights makes it all worth it, just doesnt leave alot of time for updating stuff like this. Anyways, here is a quick update, I added some new seeds...
  4. Matt50680

    hydroponic Extremely Easy Hydroponic How To

    I have a larger/older scorpion plant that I went from soil to hydro with and I just rinsed the roots off and put them on the bottom of the net and filled in around with hydroton. I think if you tried starting a seed in hydroton it would get lost.
  5. Matt50680

    hydroponic Extremely Easy Hydroponic How To

    Yeah, thats why I choose the Numex Twilight peppers, the plants dont get very big, supposed to be under 2 foot tall, we will see though. On a side note, the lemon juice worked good to adjust the PH but it is causing a gel to grow around the net pots, it rinses off, but I am worried about it...
  6. Matt50680

    hydroponic Extremely Easy Hydroponic How To

    I removed the valves after thinking about it for awhile, you bring up a good point and I think the valves are more "idiot safety valves" than anything else. I left the pump mounted where it was and moved the cans to the bottom shelf of the grow chamber because the solution was getting heated up...
  7. Matt50680

    Grow light Question

    I am running 2 36" t5 bulbs in my grow box, 1 each on each level and they put out plenty of light. In my backroom where my bigger plants are there are 3 48" twin bulb fixtures each with 6500K lights (6 bulbs total) and these plants are green as can be. You shouldnt have anything to worry about...
  8. Matt50680

    Hi!!!! I'm new, greetings from Puerto Rico

    :welcome: Welcome from Iowa, I envy your growing environment, should be able to grow peppers all year round down there. Good luck with your project and make a grow log so we can follow your adventures. :cool:
  9. Matt50680

    hydroponic Extremely Easy Hydroponic How To

    While you are cleaning your roots and all, soak your rockwool cubes in PH adjusted water, warm preferably. I set PH to approximately 5.5 by using 1 gallon of water and 3 ounces of lemon juice... Carefully open the rockwool cube up and place the seedling in the center, roots hanging below a...
  10. Matt50680

    Matt's 2012 Grow Log

    So I am getting into this Hydroponic growing pretty good and have moved 4 of my Numex Twilights from soil into Maxwell House DWC cans... In the center you can see the other soil plants I have going, they all have their 2nd set of true leaves and seem happy.
  11. Matt50680

    hydroponic Extremely Easy Hydroponic How To

    Hey everyone, I wanted to share my Saturday morning project with you. As some of you have read, I have gotten into hydroponics and found out actually just how simple it is to do a DWC system (deep water culture). I now have 6 DWC systems going, each was easy and has gotten progressively cheaper...
  12. Matt50680

    nutrients Free sample Nutes

    The only ones I got anything from was X-Nutrients, I have been trying them on my Butch T and not really noticing any rapid or spectacular growth. Gonna give it another week and if there is no real growth, I am chucking it all down the toilet and finding a new nutrient system to use.
  13. Matt50680

    Kappy's First Grow Log! :D

    Keep it up Kappy, the plants are looking good, now you will have to find an outdoor home for some of them and see how big they can get in the ground. I recently got into Hydro growing and after buying a kit off Ebay I realized actually how simple it is to set up, have you ever thought of trying...
  14. Matt50680

    S.S.Tupperware's Orlando Grow Log 2012

    Nice start, but I hope you dont own a cat. LOL The chocolate bhut you said you are going to save will live if it is a ground plant going into a pot, but make sure you get a big enough rootball or it will really go into shock. I moved one of my Yellow BS plants to a pot this year to try to...
  15. Matt50680

    Matt's 2012 Grow Log

    Ok, here we go again, another year, time for more peppers. I have about 11 plants I stupidly started back in September because I have alot of self control issues when it comes to planting pepper seeds. Anyways, they are doing well but I need to get my grow table in the back room cleaned off...
  16. Matt50680

    Eephus Man's 2012 March to Hell and Back (Grow Log)

    The Shishito is a nice mild pepper, nearly no hear but a good flavor. I had one that was 2 years old but when we got an unexpected overnight frost it died :'( They grow to about 2 1/2" long. From what I have been told they are used alot in Japanese cuisine, usually fried whole and served as...
  17. Matt50680

    Matt's Yellow Brain Strain Hydro Grow

    Thanks for the tip Nova, I took it back out of the hydro unit and put it in a small tupperware dish by itself with 1/3 strength solution. Would it be beneficial to the seedling to have the tuperware on the heat mat with the others that are still germinating?
  18. Matt50680

    AJs 2012 Season - A Pictorial Discussion

    Good to see you back Sir. Here's to a Happy New Year and a bountiful grow season. I assume you will be doing the seedlings for the Farmer's Markets again?
  19. Matt50680

    Matt's Yellow Brain Strain Hydro Grow

    Ok, that makes sence. There is a tiny tap root sticking out the bottom of the rockwool and I have the solution level a little high, its just above the bottom of the net.
  20. Matt50680

    Matt's Yellow Brain Strain Hydro Grow

    Ok, it has begun, I soaked 30 rockwool cubes last saturday afternoon and put in 10 different types of seeds, 3 of each variety. One of the varieties was the Yellow Brain Strain I am going to grow that you all voted for. Here's the deal, I will do all the work and take all the cost on myself...