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S.S.Tupperware's Orlando Grow Log 2012

Hi all... Here is my grow log for the 2012 season... I will try and post pics as often as I can.

To start with I needed some source of heat to try and germinate my seeds with better results than last year, that said i figured i would put one of my old water bed heaters to good use. Took some leftover wood and stuff from some jobs i had done, and made a heated bed to start seeds on. I framed a 24x42 box, added plywood for a bottom, laid a piece of 3/4 in. radiant barrier foam on the bottom, followed by a piece of cement backer board on top of that. Then I secured the thermostat from the heater, laid in the heater and the temp probe...


Then I proceeded to put in 2 bags of sand for a thermal mass to help regulate how often the heater comes on and to keep the temps from varying too much. It goes from 75 deg. up to 100deg.


It will hold 3 10x20 flats and has a lil room for misc. ziplock/coffee filter seeds also.


I will probably build a small foam box to cover it to help keep the heat in. I guess when I'm done the cat has a nice heated litter box...NOT!!
I haven't quite got my list down yet, so many people were generous with seeds I'm not sure which ones will make the cut for this year. I know I am not going to grow as many superhots as last year, I plan on some for stuffing, and general eating. The wife likes peppers, but won't do anything hotter than Jalapeno poppers. So I plan on growing some she can cook with and such, some for seasoning powders, and some for sauces that the rest of the family will eat. I'm only growing for the fun of it, and not for a profit, so I will have a variety instead of growing 5 of 1 kind. I might start some superhots to try and sell to help cover operating costs for the year, I figure 50 @ 3$ apiece for ones in a 4 in pots should cover it, if not I will pass them along to friends and neighbors. I will be cutting down a crappy lime tree to make room for 2 or 3 more 4x8 raised beds, and some will be grown in pots to over winter next year. I still have all my plants from this year growing and producing like crazy... tomorrow might be the first night with frost, so I am only going to attempt to save one choco bhut that still has a hundred pods on it or so. The beds i will let nature take it's course so I can add one timber higher on the existing beds and work the soil with a fresh load of composted horse manure. I failed on my labeling last year and relied on volunteers last year and let me tell ya 1 Tabasco is enough, I sure didn't need 8 taking up valuable space. I will probably start my seeds in the next few days since I can probably have them out by mid to late Febuary.
[sub]Alright Conrad let's get that list out so i can see what supers you are gonna give me. LOL[/sub]
Heys that's a new one............................ :cool:

Looks like you're planning on quite a few seedlings.

Good luck with the start-up, or as they say on your east coast (lift-off)

Nice start, but I hope you dont own a cat. LOL

The chocolate bhut you said you are going to save will live if it is a ground plant going into a pot, but make sure you get a big enough rootball or it will really go into shock. I moved one of my Yellow BS plants to a pot this year to try to overwinter it, but I dont think I got enough rootball and it just kind of stayed where it was for a couple weeks and fizzled out to a slow death.
We have 2 cats... shitty kitty and 24. I ended up capping with a piece of leftover drywall. I figured on a cool morn it would be too tempting....
Well I replaced the Drywall cover and laid some left over marble and slate pieces , the drywall didn't transfer heat as much as i wanted. I's much better now, I also made a foam box 18 in high or so to help hold heat. Once they pop, they'll go elsewhere under lights for a while.
I do have a couple butch T's and Douglas sprouted already... i have some yellow 7's and red 7's getting started along with a couple brainstrains, that haven't shown their heads yet. Not sure what I'll start next, have to make up my mind soon though.
Well I figured I need to get on the ball... so i started a tray mostly 3 each, most are 2 seed per hole. I am trying a coco seed starting mix from burpee, it's what Lowe's had. If it doesn't work then I will start over. With out further a due here is the first tray...



I type too slow to list them all. I still have all my plants in the ground doing well, I will have to rip out sooner or later... i have some in pots, with unripe pods that I will either grow in pots or move to the ground.... in pots i have,
Yellow Cardi Scorp
Numex 64
Scotch Bonnet
Carolina Cayenne
Peach Habolukia
Red Hab
Brazilian Starfish
and some others that were experiments, I will try and give away. I'm sure there is more, but I'll add them when I remember.
Very nice! Looking at those seed trays makes me want to start some seeds soooo bad! Unfortunately, we are still 20 weeks from the last frost date. :banghead:
Nice work on the germination set up. Looks like a very nicely thought out and executed design. Good luck with everything this coming season. Cheers Trippa
Well seeds have been cooking along, and now finally something is happening... some seeds are making them selves known, breaking the surface and making me proud..
Red and Yellow 7's
Red Fatalii
African Tunesian
Scotch Bonnet
Jamican Red Mushroom

all have made a showing, and now every day more will. I have a nice Yellow Scotch Bonnet, with nice pods, I am waiting to ripen since I never had one. I'm still growing strong out side, some in pots and some still in the ground from last year. I have a huge Choco Bhut that was really coming along nice, but got beat back a couple weeks ago with a light frost, I covered it, but it lost all it's leaves. It has also dropped some pods, but there is new growth at almost every node, and a lot of pods are still hanging on and ripining still.

It will be fine, as long as it dosen't get too cold again. I have this fatalli in a pot, and it produced bounty for sure, trimmed it back 3 weeks ago it's back for round 3...

I put this orange hab in the ground yesterday, since I had an open spot, and I'm undecided, if I will keep it or not, but for now it's safe...

This Car red is still purring along as well as this Bhut. I will End up yankin them out once my new plants are ready to go. They will get tossed, and the beds cleaned out,, and some good stuff mixed in and new varitied I have obtained here in trades and give aways...

well now that things are starting to happen, I'll be posting more progress pics... i have also scored some 4x4's so I made 2 more 4x8 beds, and I have enough for one more, but not sure where I will put it yet.

Good Growing... :beer:
Lookin good ss! That choc bhut is loaded. and really?! in January!? You guys n your tropical weather.. Kills me everytime.
Good luck on the rest of your starts!
SST, Great report for us who reside in the colder climes. Roll with that good weather! It would be a shame to toss those surviving plants...maybe dig them out and donate to somebody---or secretly transplant them in a nearby city park in the middle of the night!!!

... :cool:
I have a friend who has been bitten by the hot pepper bug, so I know he will take um... Plus neighbors that have had some hot peppers will take them also. I couldn't just toss them,,, I had a horse boarding place give me the OK to get all the manure I want, so thats good now I can fill my new beds... so they will have 30-45 days to sit, and when i plant I will dig a hole and use some good potting soil around it this year. Next year the bed will loose volume by 60 pct or so.. I will also use my worm shocker probe, and get a hundred worms to help jump start the colinization.