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  1. Suezotiger

    chinense Bengal Naga Peach vs. Bhut Jolokia Peach

    I have peach ghosts that are just ghosts. I think I got the seeds from Judy. They're the color of the JPGS but not nearly as gnarly and missing the little tail on the bottom
  2. Suezotiger

    pics Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    This is labeled as a red fatalii, but something tells me something got mixed up along the way...
  3. Suezotiger

    New to growing

    It shouldn't matter that you started later since you  can probably grow year-round.  I'd suggest getting some kind of shade cloth for when it's very hot and sunny as even peppers don't like it much above 90 degrees.  I also agree that some way to block wind would also be useful at least early...
  4. Suezotiger

    health Trinidad Scorpion Butch T - What is wrong!?

    Don't spray after they're any taller than a few inches. Deep watering when the deep soil is beginning to dry or the plant starts to wilt is good for it. It's very hard for spray on the top to get to deep roots due to evaporation. As for losing flowers, it might just not be old enough. Depending...
  5. Suezotiger

    Is this serious?

    Thanks for the responses.  I think I'll try to save it.  I noticed that dirt had been kicked up on the lower leaves too which might have spread something so I'm going to clean up all of the plants, pull the bad leaves, and treat the plants that look like they need it.
  6. Suezotiger

    Strange ailment

    Reminds me of the squash vine borers I had last year. They totally destroyed the insides of 4 zucchini plants before I even noticed a problem. Opted for bug b gone this year
  7. Suezotiger

    Is this serious?

    Hello again everyone, I have a few plants at a friend's house and haven't seen them in person for a couple weeks. Today I saw one with leaves that looked like this and was wondering if it's serious and if I have to pull it. Thanks for the help
  8. Suezotiger

    posting pictures

    Imgur is nice too. You just copy the link it gives you for message boards and post it in your message
  9. Suezotiger

    I thought maybe White Habs, but...Photos

    If those pods developed early in the plants life they could just be malformed. I had a few ghost peppers that looked like that early on
  10. Suezotiger

    vendor Hellhotpeppers. Com

    Friend of mine ordered reaper seeds from their eBay store as a present for me. I was worried due to eBay's reputation, but my plants are growing very well and are producing the proper peppers. Very happy with them
  11. Suezotiger

    Anyone with blooming reapers?

    I have one that already has a couple pods, I can see if it has any other flowers to collect pollen from. What's a good way to store and ship pollen anyway?
  12. Suezotiger

    preservation Alternatives to the Dehydrator??

    You could get a box fan and clean furnace filters. Put the peppers between filters and bungee them up against the fan. Put it in the sun so it's warm and let it go for a while
  13. Suezotiger

    Plant not looking so good

    Checked the roots, most were brown. I'm going to remove what I can and prune back the plant
  14. Suezotiger

    Plant not looking so good

    By bad I meant the leaves were wavy like that and the top leaves were beginning to shrivel and die. I can't remember what the roots looked like unfortunately but there were drainage holes in the cups. Today I'm going to see if I can carefully pull it out and check the roots. Also thanks for the...
  15. Suezotiger

    Plant not looking so good

    Yeah it's in full sun outside, I just had to bring them all in cause of frost chance tonight. The only problem with it being transplant shock is that this has been a problem since it was in a solo cup months ago.
  16. Suezotiger

    Plant not looking so good

      It's wet about an inch down.  I transplanted it 2-3 weeks ago, and I made sure to break the roots up a little before transplanting.  I'm thinking about trying to pull it out to see how healthy the roots look and if they've been spreading into the larger container.       The top leaves feel...
  17. Suezotiger

    Plant not looking so good

    Hi everyone,   One of my peppers hasn't looked good since before I put it outside, and since then it's only gotten worse.  I thought it was just root bound in its solo cup, but it hasn't gotten better after transplanting into a 5 gallon container.  I've included some pictures.  I'm thinking it's...
  18. Suezotiger

    Hardening off against the wind

    I had to stake up a few of my taller plants. I used two stakes per plant and strung them using some craft cord so they'd have some give but wouldn't blow over. I also put the stakes a few inches from the stems so they didn't hurt the roots as bad going in and wouldn't disrupt the growth of the plant
  19. Suezotiger

    seeds Growing from seed

    You can bring them in and they'll at the very least stay alive.  Whether they produce pods or not depends on indoor temps and how much light you're able to give them.  Mine started growing pods indoors with just 3 T8 shoplights so you really don't need anything crazy. As for anything specific...
  20. Suezotiger

    favorite Whats your favorite short/semi-short Pepper to grow

    I grew a "Thai Hot" pepper last year that was very compact, very prolific, and had a very hot dry heat.  Good for adding heat with little change in flavor.  Could probably make a nice red pepper flake.  I think most Thai varieties would work fit this description