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  1. hoibot

    fermenting Skip fermentation, just add Lactic Acid

    A little late to the thread, but... When I was a homebrewer many years ago, I listened to a lot of podcasts on the subject and recall hearing about a brewer at a very popular brewery in New York somewhere (can't remember where), that was gaining a lot of notoriety for his sour beers. I was...
  2. hoibot

    Thought you all might enjoy the Coyote Zan White and Pear sauce I made.

    Wow! That is an original sounding sauce and I bet it's delicious! Nice work.
  3. hoibot

    fermenting TheGreenChileMonster Ferments Some Sauce

    Those all look outstanding! I saw my local Mexican grocery has those GOYA fruit packs, may have to check some out in my sauces, thanks for the tip! Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  4. hoibot

    Ghost Garlic Hot Sauce

    Sounds tasty and looks great!
  5. hoibot

    fermenting New ferments - been a while!!

    I actually didn't measure the pH on this batch (got lazy), but typically my ferments are right at 3.4 or so and adding the water, at least in the past, hasn't affected the pH at all since it's only 1/2 cup. Thanks for all the likes and comments!
  6. hoibot

    fermenting New ferments - been a while!!

    Started both on December 2nd and processed on January 15th.
  7. hoibot

    fermenting New ferments - been a while!!

    For a variety of reasons, I haven't made any hot sauce for a while - but the bug never left... Got a chance to get some of my peppers from last summer's garden (and some leftovers from 2016/2017 also) into some jars to ferment. I was excited to use some of the chocolate trinidad scorpions.. Man...
  8. hoibot

    fermenting My 1st ferment is turning cloudy ?!

    all looks perfectly kosher to me. I would do as others suggested for future ferments and get some fermenting lids (i like the ones with the silicone value in them - easy to use and don't have to fiddle with an actual airlock).    for me, the fermentation time has always depended on the...
  9. hoibot

    My first fresh pepper hot sauce!

    Looks great! As others have said, keep at it - it's just gets more and more fun!
  10. hoibot

    preservation Making Vinegar

    I used to make kombucha and the scoby from that makes great vinegar. Obviously, you want to start with something alcoholic, in the 5-6% ABV neighborhood, just drop the scoby in and let it go for a month or so. I made some from a nice red wine we had leftover one night (diluted to 6% ABV) and a...
  11. hoibot

    fermenting New pineapple/mango ferments

      So... it's been a lot more than a 'few weeks' since I originally planned to process these ferments. BUT, life has a way of getting in the way, enough said! I let the airlocks get close to dry and ended up with a bit of kahm yeast in the serrano ferment, but refilled the airlock and stirred it...
  12. hoibot

    fermenting New pineapple/mango ferments

    Been a while since I've made anything, but finally had a chance to make up a few ferments with some of my harvest.   On the left is my first crack at a totally 'yellow' sauce. Aji lemon, yellow bell, yellow/white carrots, sweet onion, garlic, ginger, pineapple and mango.   On the right is red...
  13. hoibot

    Another batch of Tropical Jalapeno

    Nice, those look good! Where'd you get those weights?
  14. hoibot

    It's on

    Man, those all look really tasty, nice work!
  15. hoibot

    Smoked Habanero Sauce

    That sauce looks incredible! Kinda reminds me of the el yucateco black sauce (but obviously not as dark).
  16. hoibot

    fermenting Do you perfer to deseed with fermented sauce?

    I leave the seeds in also - they tend to get broken up enough through multiple boilings/blendings that they are hardly noticeable in the finished sauce.
  17. hoibot

    fermenting Nine month ferment complete

    That sauce looks exceptional! Great looking presentation also!
  18. hoibot

    Breathing problems while making sauce

    I use one of those portable electric burners and do it in my garage, the last time I did it in my house was the last time for a variety of reasons - number 1 was a pregnant wife in the house - that didn't go over so well.  :confused:   And it also made it hard to breathe and coughing was...
  19. hoibot

    fermenting New to fermenting

    On the other hand, I always use a 5% brine for my ferments since it makes the consistency of the sauce come out just right and I think it's an easier way to control the salt level. Plus, I just chop my ingredients rather than mash (but assume the mash would work just fine with a brine) and never...