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  1. nattymari

    Entering flower stage late

    Where are you? You have until October easy unless you are in Canada somewhere. Relax.
  2. nattymari

    Chocolate Moruga Starting to Look Like Bhuts??

    Weird one.  Got this plant from Cross Country Nursury (picked them up.)  This was my Chocolate Moruga that had to early pods on them.  Both looked pretty true and tasted like Scorpions (I picked them before ripe, but the taste/heat was there.) Flash to one month later and I'm getting a decent...
  3. nattymari

    New Grower, Fruit Drop

    Got them from chileplants in jersey. This one had 2 early pods I picked before ripe. Definitely scorpion. I will post pictures later. My comp is burning a dvd for the kids. But will definitely take you up on any sfrb offer. Currently worried about my Reaper situation. One recovering plant and...
  4. nattymari

    New Grower, Fruit Drop

    Cool. I was worried when one pepper dropped. They just set. My chocolate scorpion has about 12 so far...though many look like ghosties? Maybe a cross as my plants are close together.
  5. nattymari

    New Grower, Fruit Drop

    Most of my peppers are doing fine. Today and yesterday were our first 90+ days. I lost quite a few flowers and one little scorpion peppers. Should I be worried???
  6. nattymari

    This years HEAT

    PA has been weird.  Late start to the season because of frost all the way through mid May... then super hot (90s) for a month.  Now rain for a week, 80 for a week... rinse and repeat.  Half my plants are thriving.. the others look like a bonsai garden (but seem to be holding on, even producing a...
  7. nattymari

    Please post your observations regarding my plants

    Paint can? As in gallon? At a foot and flowering in 80 degrees every other day or so seems right if drainage is good. My super huge ones are in 3 gallons and almost need every 3 or so days. My 5 gallons about 5-7 days. I think I will do 3 gallon next year. All my 3 gallons are producing more.
  8. nattymari

    Ghost Pepper/Bhut Jolokia Varietals ID Help

    Im no expert but I thought amazon seeds looked like Red Habs. No worries...I like em better than ghosties usually and they do pack a decent punch if you let them mature.
  9. nattymari

    seeds Gold Marconi seed give away!

    87 And Commodore Perry is the BEST US IPA. Great Lakes Rocks!
  10. nattymari

    Left for work and the Hab was fine. Now this.

    As for leaving them outside. I bought a 6 dollar tarp and some 6 foot garden stakes and I just build a tent on rainy days. The 6 foot tarp allows at least some sunlight and the tarp keeps them from getting wet.
  11. nattymari

    Newbie Seeking Help

    Pick the pods. I am a new grower too. In May I had a Scorpion with 2 pods I left on. It had about two branches and ten leaves. It never grew. Picked them off finally and now it is a 2 foot bush. No pods yet but just started flowering and theres a good 14 flowers now.
  12. nattymari

    breeding accidental crosses

    @Baseman.... yeah I had a tarp covering them but they got wet enough and my Moruga lost a growing branch... it has plenty of foliage though so I'm not worried.
  13. nattymari

    breeding accidental crosses

    I guess I'm ok my one Hab is on fire.. bout 24 pods last count.  That's about a 100 day maturity right?  As opposed to 120 on the hotter Chinenses.. so I'm looking at another week or two... IF IT WOULD STOP RAINING EVERY OTHER DAY!
  14. nattymari

    breeding accidental crosses

    My big hab has a decent 20 pods and all my annums are doing fine. It got cooler and rainy past week. So less activity I guess. All but the bhut jolokias have flower buds (a lot of them)
  15. nattymari

    breeding accidental crosses

    This is from last week... damn I thought I was doing good, lol!
  16. nattymari

    breeding accidental crosses

    @Baseman:  I'm in Easton.  I got my plants at Cross Country last week of May.  They seem to be progressing well.  My Habaneros and Thais and stuff are  full of peppers.. but none of the Scorpion, Jolokia or Reapers (one of the Reapers doesn't even look like it will make it sadly)  Some flowering...
  17. nattymari

    breeding accidental crosses

    Everyones plants should be producing peppers? Are mine in trouble? Nobe of my superhots seem even close. Plantes outside last week of May in Eastern PA. Should I be worried???
  18. nattymari

    Pepper won't grow.

    I have a Reaper similar problem. Some new growth but not much. Havent figured it out. Youll have a late season plant or a prime candidate for over wintering....let it roll.
  19. nattymari

    New Grower - Have A Look

    My hab looked like that about 2 weeks it is a 1 1/2 foot bush with 8 pods already. One they start growing they grow pretty quick. My chocolate scorpion should pod soon. Lots and lots of flower buds just waiting to open...and that was a stick with 5 leaves 3 weeks ago.
  20. nattymari

    What is this white stuff on my pepper plants?

    My plants are from Cross Country too.. I drove there and bought them.  Most are doing great.  These two are the only problem children.. and at least with the Bhut I expect a full recovery. As for uploading images.. what I do is go to imgur upload and then when they have the preview..right click...