Hello all! This is my first post, so hopefully I am following the appropriate etiquette. This is my first year attempting to grow peppers, and only my second year attempting any sort of gardening. So far I am finding that it is easier to grow humans than peppers. Long story short, I started several types of pepper plants in pots indoors. We had a bit of a cold and wet spring here in Northern Colorado this year, so I wanted to wait until it warmed up and dried out before I transplanted them outdoors. When I finally transplanted I put three plants in each of several plastic raised beds I got at Sam's. The beds have drains in the bottom that I leave open. All were about the same height, around 10 to 12 inches. All of the plants seem to be doing well except for one anaheim. It started to flower and fruit almost immediately after it went outside, and has produced several peppers. But, the plant's growth stopped as soon as the fruit started, and now the poblano and serrano that share the bed tower over it. Further, the peppers that the plant has produced now have black/brown spots and streaks all over them.
I water all of them the same, and they all get the same sun exposure. I basically make sure that the soil is moist all the way through, maybe 3 to 5 gallons per week per bed. I think it translates to 1 to 2 inches of water per week. I have not fertilized yet other than sprinkling some crushed eggshells on the soil beneath the mulch. Should I have pinched off the first few flowers until the plant grew to be more substantial? Is this blossom end rot? What type of fertilizer is recommended? Any tips or suggestions?
As my wife has pointed out, I've spent a lot of money trying to grow one of the least expensive items at the supermarket, so I want to be successful. Thank you in advance for your help!
I water all of them the same, and they all get the same sun exposure. I basically make sure that the soil is moist all the way through, maybe 3 to 5 gallons per week per bed. I think it translates to 1 to 2 inches of water per week. I have not fertilized yet other than sprinkling some crushed eggshells on the soil beneath the mulch. Should I have pinched off the first few flowers until the plant grew to be more substantial? Is this blossom end rot? What type of fertilizer is recommended? Any tips or suggestions?
As my wife has pointed out, I've spent a lot of money trying to grow one of the least expensive items at the supermarket, so I want to be successful. Thank you in advance for your help!