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    Quick germ question

    So I allowed a few of the 6 packs to dry out in my one germination tray...I don't know if they were bone dry, but they were pretty light when I picked them up to water them. Now I've read on here how allowing the germ medium to dry out can inhibit/stop the germinating process, so my question...
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    Branch fell off

    So cutworms are out then...I doubt it was a matter of the branch being too heavy, as it's a relatively small plant and the branch was small with no flowers even. Maybe wind, but I've got some anuums that are much bigger and some tomatoes that are three or four times the size of the plant in...
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    Branch fell off

    The rest of the plant had no damage, and there was no indication of digging or trampling or anything of that nature. Just did a quick google search and at this point I'm thinking maybe cutworms? Don't see any of the little bastards though...
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    Branch fell off

    So I just went out to check on the plants this morning and on one of my Datil plants a branch had fallen off. A complete branh, almost right at the bottom of the stem. Plant looks healthy otherwise...any ideas what could have caused this? Branch in question was healthy, had a few buds...
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    Question regarding growth/size

    Thanks for the advice's just so hard to sit back and let things go for me....not to mention I'm pretty damn impatient haha. Good thing I've got a vacation comIng up that will keep my mind occupied...i need to understand that I can't control the weather too! I hate not having control :)
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    Question regarding growth/size

    How big can/should hots get for my climate? (zone 5/6 state college PA) Started from seed early-mid Feb, light 1-2 inches off the seedlings, as a result low and bushy plants. Planted out around 4-6" tall. Had some issues w/ overwatering and overfertilizing as it was my first year from seed...
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    health First time growing from seed, couple issues (burnt edges, brown spots, etc)

    Yeah, I'm trying to be more hands off now.... Anyone else care to take a look at the pics and chime in?
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    health First time growing from seed, couple issues (burnt edges, brown spots, etc)

    **Kinda long, but I'm a first time grower from seed and would appreciate the help! I did search first, and got a few answers, but would love some additional help personal to my situation :) Ok guys so this is my second year gardening, first year from seed. I've got 10 different varieties of...
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    wanted WTB Choc Hab plant

    Haha yeah this actually couldn't possibly have worked out better unless he literally lived down the street from me. Thanks Brian and I won't tell anyone how cool you were about this either dont worry....
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    wanted WTB Choc Hab plant

    Really? That's awesome man. And you're in Harrisburg too? That's perfect, I'll be having a Bass Pro order shipped to the store here sometime in April or May for an upcoming fishing trip...maybe we could just meet at Bass Pro if that would work for you? Any idea when they might be ready to go...
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    wanted WTB Choc Hab plant

    Hey guys- Choc Hab is the only seed that didn't germinate AT ALL for me out of the 24 varieties (chinese and annuum). I'm in touch with the person I bought the seed from, so no biggie there, but I really wanted to try out the choc hab this year. I went onto chileplants to order one, but you...
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    Advice on varieties/spacing

    Hi all! New to posting here but have been lurking for a while. Tried my hand at gardening for the first time last year in my old sandbox frame and it turned out pretty good all things considered. This year I'm going a little bigger with two 4'x12' raised beds in addition to the 4'x4' from...