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  1. MNXR250R

    pests What pest or condition does this look like.

    Wow.... those are some nice macro shots of the flies !!  I don't know what they are other than.... flies  ;)   Are you growing indoors or outdoors ?  If outdoors, have you had a lot of rain lately ?    It looks like a fungus has found a home on the bottom of the leaves.  Probably from the leaves...
  2. MNXR250R

    Hot Pepper Space

    PepperMan16... Welcome !   Are you growing indoors ?  If you have them outdoors then just keep them far enough apart to let the sun hit all of the leaves.  Life is good in that case !   Indoors under a grow light is a different story.   If you are growing indoors under a grow light, then the...
  3. MNXR250R

    Habanero plant stunted and leaves curling up

    Seggaeman, :welcome:   Looks like you have something that likes to chomp your leaves, but it doesn't look to me that this is the main problem.  I can't tell from the leaves (pictures) what the problem is.   What kind of soil are you using ?  Native soil with amendments ?  From the pictures it...
  4. MNXR250R

    New Setup... Hots

    Update.  Today I found at least 6 tiny peppers growing on the Reaper plant !!!  Today is a very, very happy day indeed :dance:     For a while I thought I would have to start this project over since I was running out of grow space (vertical). But after cutting back the nitrogen I think the plant...
  5. MNXR250R

    E-cigs in the grow room... Propylene Glycol and Gycerin. No Fruit

      Flexy, as to the E-Cigs, it was more an inquiry than a hypothesis.  I know that the E-Cig juice loves to stick onto my poly storage bins that i have in the grow room so I assume that it will stick to anything statically charged.   For lighting I am using 315W LEC lamps. For the full details...
  6. MNXR250R

    pests Sad day... Aphids win this time

    Today I did it.  I couldn't take it anymore.  I killed my Tasmanian Habanero.  I had to.   I spayed the ever living Neem Oil SH!T out onto that plant. I literally used a full liter of spray every other day for a week. Over a gallon of Neem Oil solution and every day that I looked at the plant I...
  7. MNXR250R

    New Setup... Hots

    Update on the Reapers and the Ghost peppers in my grow tent.   I had a major malfunction with my other grow tent due to my loving and generous wife ( I still love her... mostly ). See   The Aphid infestation has NOT found its way...
  8. MNXR250R

    pests Pest Infestation.

    Looks like a good crop  :P   As to the mold/fungus theory, if it were mold for fungus on the leaves, it would be on the outside of the leaf. You could scrape it off to reveal the green plant underneath.  So my idea is fail.   I can imagine then you have a nutrient problem. Not something I would...
  9. MNXR250R

    pests Pest Infestation.

    kkorky, I don't know if you have other plants that you keep indoors, but if you do be careful about bringing inside an outdoor plant that you suspect to have any pests or disease.  If you must, then quarantine the plants. You don't want to bring those little buggers indoors to let them feast on...
  10. MNXR250R

    pests Sad day... Aphids win this time

    My indoor hydro grow has had some success, and some fails.  I had huge plants after only 6-7 weeks, but I could never get them to flower.    The beginning of the end for my grow was the day my wife brought home a pepper plant that belongs to a co-worker of hers. She (wife) was also nice enough...
  11. MNXR250R

    Time to Relight

    I've had good success with the 315W LEC.  Awesome growth on the peppers I have under them !  Stunning growth actually !!  The fixture that I have doesn't have the best canopy penetration though, so I use two fixtures.   Then there are the T5 fixtures (HO fluorescents).  The fixtures are great...
  12. MNXR250R

    soil soil runnoff ph too low?

    I know that a lot of us (growers) tend to be very active in our approach to our grows. We like to tinker and test, tweak and try out new things. You seem to be one of those types !!   That said, sometimes the best advise is to just let things alone and let nature do its thing. Personally, I...
  13. MNXR250R

    lighting leaves drooping before lights out

    Well I agree that this isn't a problem and the plants looks fine (except that the leaves are blurple... could be rare disease).   As for the droop, I'd be betting that it's the intensity of the light.  They are drooping because they're getting a whole bunch of light after a while, and the roots...
  14. MNXR250R

    Hydro Grow.... never any fruit. Need advise

    To all that replied, thanks a bunch !!  Here is a link to the grow. It has most of the information about the environment.     The PPM's started out pretty high... around 1500.  I cut this value way back early in the game and now they start...
  15. MNXR250R

    Hydro Grow.... never any fruit. Need advise

      Currently running the 18 on and 6 off.     Nutes are General Hydro Flora series.  I have a feeding schedule that I downloaded from the GH site. Been using a "late bloom" mix for a few weeks now. Low N and high P,K.   I change the nutes every 12-14 days. It depends on my schedule and the pH...
  16. MNXR250R

    Hydro Grow.... never any fruit. Need advise

    My last post was about E-cigs and the effects of Poly on the grow.... I'm changing the question.   I have had four separate grows in Hydro. You can see the current one  None of them have ever produced any fruit.   I can grow plants like crazy. That is easy.  But I can't get mature flowers to...
  17. MNXR250R

    E-cigs in the grow room... Propylene Glycol and Gycerin. No Fruit

    I found a science fair project from Joel F. It was from 2003-4. Here is the link . Anyway, good on him for the work ! Hope he is an engineer by now !   His project may not have anything to do with my question... but...
  18. MNXR250R

    New Setup... Hots

    Just a quick update.  I found that my pH meters (two of them) were off by 0.7 (readings were higher than they should be).  So when I kept my pH at 6.0, I was actually keeping at 5.3.  Not sure if that had anything to do with my "flowering" problem, but what do I know for sure.   I've taken the...
  19. MNXR250R

    pests Aphids vs. me

    I had a perfect indoor environment for my grow until I brought a favorite pepper plant inside to "over winter" it. The outdoor pepper had Aphids (couldn't see them on the plant when I brought it indoors). Now I have those little Aphids infesting my entire indoor grow !!!   I'm trying to figure...
  20. MNXR250R

    Outdoor Growing In My Climate

    :welcome:      In your growing zone, one thing you have going for you is a very long summer daytime. This would be very,very good for your pepper plants !   But, like you say, the temperature is a concern. 20degC is on the low side of the natural environment of Hot Peppers. I don't think that...