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  1. impending_bending

    food The Ambien Chef (Zolpidem) CHEFFIN'

    what? somethin' along these lines?   ------Image removed out of fear of lack of sense of humor of members or DEA------   can't really tell what it was from what was deposited in my pants
  2. impending_bending

    I hate seeing a wounded animal suffer

      Ok, so don't jump all over me for this (or do, whatever), but I meant pick up a phone book, then drop it on the bird. No calls involved (who uses a phone book for calls anymore?). Was just tryin' to say there it's not exactly a state-regulated lethal injection here and there are simpler...
  3. impending_bending

    I hate seeing a wounded animal suffer

    Has this conversation seriously degenerated to the point of scheming to poison a bird? I dont mean to sound cruel, but just use a phone book or something
  4. impending_bending

    do you plant vendors actually cut through all the red tape? or sneak around?

    Thanks for all the input, not at all too late. I don't want to sell them at all, I want to give them away. I have given some away, but there are only so many chile heads locally and I want to make sure they get good homes so to speak. Also, the people here are very generous, so I want to...
  5. impending_bending

    grocery store pepper id

    Looks like a Trinidad perfume to me too except more orange. Trinidad perfumes taste much like a heat-less habanero imo, except maybe not as 'tart'. This pepper sounds like something my wife would love, any chance I could get some seeds from you?
  6. impending_bending

    CPI SHU ratings for those who haven't seen them

    That's the conference poster. There is a paper published in the journal 'Horticulture'
  7. impending_bending

    I hate seeing a wounded animal suffer

    That would bother me too. IMO the thing to do, although perhaps difficult, would be to put the poor thing down yourself.   As a kid I was eager to 'hunt' and shot a bird with my BB gun. It fell to the ground, which in and of itself didn't bother me, but when I went over and saw it squirming I...
  8. impending_bending

    hydroponic My dive into hydroponics growing...on the cheap...

      Yup, in CLEAR containers (blasphemy! I know). It ain't purdy, but it sure as hell works and was much more fun to put together than the kits imo. Can you trace where the water goes?       My favorite feature though, is this:     Sir, I challenge you to a duel of laziness
  9. impending_bending

    pics Copper Deficiency - Pics now loaded.

    Can you post a picture? Sounds like calcium deficiency to me. I've never heard of a copper deficiency. Doesn't mean it doesn't exit tho
  10. impending_bending

    Best sauce blender ever, and a hell of a recipe

    The single most important tool for your kitchen used to make the finest sauce ever concocted :
  11. impending_bending

    CPI SHU ratings for those who haven't seen them

    That guy says a lot of things. I spoke with him on the phone and was planning to order that pepper (whatever it really is) and he insisted they are all the same. Fortunately, although I did not know any better at the time, I realized he was a dbag for so many other reasons and never ordered from...
  12. impending_bending

    artwork Been there? Done that? Or one day I dream of starting my own fiery foods business?

    Its all about the deductions baby. I've got two windows open, one THP one business related, so this wear and tear on my keyboard and the electricity is a write-off :)
  13. impending_bending

    breeding Your up and coming crosses

    No I mean what are the parents - which cross is the pink tiger?
  14. impending_bending

    CPI SHU ratings for those who haven't seen them

    This is from the paper on the moruga when it was declared the hottest. The, let's say, less than decent person Jim Duffy supplied the seeds and he is adamant that a choc 7 is the same as a douglah so who knows what that actually is. So for what its worth, here ya go.
  15. impending_bending

    do you plant vendors actually cut through all the red tape? or sneak around?

    Good points all around. If I pay you a retainer and get fined, will you assume responsibility? :) That is really cool (sad, bust best of a shit situation). Some of the stories I read on these forums are truly inspiring I'm looking to give them to the good people of THP, not some schlup on...
  16. impending_bending

    breeding Your up and coming crosses

    Awesome, thanks! You, sir, are a prince among men. Can't wait. Keep us all updated on your crosses' progress! PS you cant get anymore PMs
  17. impending_bending

    do you plant vendors actually cut through all the red tape? or sneak around?

    New element reference. Nice. Peppers are priceless!! They're like children; you probably couldn't sell em for much on the open market the parents sure will pay to get em back.
  18. impending_bending

    shipping plants

    Just heard a truck pull up. Went to the peep hole and watched the UPS guy 'bowl' my new TDS meter up the walk. Gutter ball - it missed the door and bashed into the wall. that sob
  19. impending_bending

    do you plant vendors actually cut through all the red tape? or sneak around?

      I am a hobby grower with more plants than I need and I was looking into it to do a big 'plant giveaway' for just the cost of shipping. The thought was inspired by Karl (Hendrix1326) and his industrial-scale seed giveaway. I looked into it and have pretty much given up after seeing all the...