Be kind and make friends here. This is a trustworthy community that will gladly help you however they can if you don't act greedy or rude. This place will become your seed source.
I hope you have plenty of friends to share with. Those peppers are crazy hot and can be heavy producers. Many growers end up with way more peppers than anticipated and have to scramble to figure out something to do with them before they rot.
I'm not a sauce maker (well any more than any other man) like so many of you guys. I get a funnel, add pepper powders to a sauce and then shake the fuck out of it.
A bit of scorpion powder in a bottle of Frank's goes a long way.
I know next to nothing about the brand, but it's great if they do charitable acts. I don't like Louisiana, Crystal, Texas Pete or any of the extremely vinegary ones. Frank's is as close as I get when it comes to the vinegar stuff.
Given the time of year, she can't just suffer through a superhot or two to get her tolerance back up. Her palate has weakened on the spice front so I can understand having some nerves.
It is very easy to overdo it...and as you know, thick sauces tend to give either not enough or too much when you shake or smack those fuckers. Proceed with caution!
So it doesn't cool it down too much, leave one of your TLD bottles sitting out so it warms up a little and spread a thin bit of...
The best use of The Last Dab is in spaghetti. Stir some into a bowl and you'll see that it compliments it perfectly. I don't even consider adding peppers when I make spaghetti and I very rarely choose hot sauce over actual peppers for any dish.