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  1. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    Yeah the first ripe one is going in the mail to you. :) also you got better video reviews than I do. Lol
  2. hooda

    Fatalis giving my GF a rash?

    I call bs on this even from the beginning. If anyone was concerned about a rash they would consult a doctor not a website/forum. Otherwise common sense and reason are lost.
  3. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    Small update of some plants. Not much going on. I have flower on flower but most are dropping right now, which I think might be due to the heat. I started shading my Mazano as no flowers have set on it and its looking rough on the old growth. Cayennes ripening Brain Yellow Bonnet TFMs...
  4. hooda

    MGOLD86's GLOG, of sorts. NEW Billy Boy Douglah Review!

    Holy smokes, you can really compose yourself even through the pain. Great job on the review.
  5. hooda

    Fatalis giving my GF a rash?

    "Precaution technigues" Lol.. after the fact :)
  6. hooda

    What is This? Diseased?

    I'd say too much water. What is your watering like?
  7. hooda

    Megahots grow log 2011-2012

    Once you said it was a creeper, made me cringe. Good job on taking that primo!
  8. hooda

    Show us your Scotch bonnets

    Scotch Bonnet TFM that I got in a trade form megahot.
  9. hooda

    The worst thing thats happened to your plants

    This year even though I've battled aphids, spider mites, horn worm, and over watering... The worst is coming home from work to see that the AT&T service person moved my BBQ that had two plants knocked off of it and laying in the yard and one of my tomatillos trampled and broken laying on its side.
  10. hooda

    Show us your Scotch bonnets

    Rock n roll!
  11. hooda

    synclinorium's 2012 Grow Log

    Looks great. I really like the shape and size of those Tepin cross.
  12. hooda

    To Pick or Not to Pick???

    Why wait? Just chop it at the soil line and call it a season! But in all seriousness, why put in all the time in growing them just to pull them when they are not ripe, when you can wait a little longer to get the full flavor of the pepper?
  13. hooda

    Stickman's 2012 Gochu Pepper Glog

    I didn't add any sugar. Could just be the onion making the difference.
  14. hooda

    Stickman's 2012 Gochu Pepper Glog

    Looking good on the onions. The longer they sit the more the flavor develops. They are used as a condiment, could be put in tacos, soups, marinades, and even straight if you like sweet tangy onions.
  15. hooda

    Silver Surfer's 2012 Season Shots

    Your plants look great. Crazy how fast your garden grows, I show everyone around me when I am looking at your glog.
  16. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones
  17. hooda

    Habanero Sweet Hot

    Habanero Sweet Hot Recipe - 12 oz 6 Habaneros stems removed before blending 1/8 Medium onion 5 Garlic cloves 4 Sungold tomatos 4 oz Pineapple juice ( not cocktail or from concentrate ) 4 oz Vinegar roughly* 2 oz Lime juice Salt to taste Put the habanero, garlic, onion, and tomatos in to some...
  18. hooda

    hooda's Grow 2012 - Rise of the Clones

    Figure I'd post this one to my glog also Fatalii x Red Savina F2 with different pod shapes. By far the best hot sauce I have made yet. Habanero Sweet Hot. Managed to keep the amazing color also. I'm pretty happy with this one.
  19. hooda

    STC3248, Just Another Grow Log! Holiday Harvest!

    Holy smokes on those Hab poppers! I had a raw orange hab today just for the hell of it, which my stomach is still killin me(empty), after the girl and I got back from doing shopping all day. I totally should have thought of doing this instead. Shane, today, you are my hero for those Hab poppers.
  20. hooda

    food Mexican Cuisine Adventure

    Cebollas Encurtidas Yucatecas 1 Large Red Onion sliced thin 15 peppercorns 5 whole Allspice 1 Tablespoon Oregano 4 Garlic cloves sliced Vinegar - Enough to fill a pickling jar Salt to taste Mix everything and fill pickling jar with ingredients. Onions can be used on anything to bring in a...