NWA always had the most ridiculous little sound bytes at the ends of their tunes/albums. Some of it was pretty damned funny.
Won't go see it though. I'll wait on the free version. I'm not interested in lining Dre's pockets any more.
Looking forward to it!
Pepper preparation?
There ain't no preparation other than a little rinse before they go down that hatch :D
Nuttin' better than a little napalm in the morning with breakfast :D.
Next time you see her, tell her to stop posting selfies... http://40.media.tumblr.com/113099c079ea078fd4f12a098d77c48e/tumblr_njhe9n4JKm1u77maso2_500.jpg
I totally enjoyed the flavor of Ignite's Primaux Big Black Mamas he sent me recently.
The flavor I got from them went opposite of the reviews I had seen. They were sweet, fruity, and extremely tasty in a very mild not overpowering way.
Of course they were also like licking the hinges to...