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  1. Kendog

    Question about applying epsom salt

    Sweet. Yep Site works now. I never knew it damaged some plants. Thanks!
  2. Kendog

    I'm old emough to remember when...

    You had to dial in for internet and normally got a busy signal around 5pm.... And to add with RS67Man- when cartoons were all Warner Brother cartoons. Now you can't even find that on Basic TV....
  3. Kendog

    fish food foliar

    I don't have the label in front of me but I know its 1 TBSP per quart. Directions were on the back of bottle. I use Alaskan fish fert. If you are spraying indoors I recommend a few candles in the room. It does not have the greatest smell to it. I am not sure what the size of your plants are...
  4. Kendog


    Well, Rather than starving them you can send some of the meat to me :) Gotta love those steaks. Sucks to hear about those pepper plants though.
  5. Kendog

    Mate's Selection

    I put my foot down with my wife too. I told her she could decorate the house and I could do what I want with the garage and back yard. Cable TV, Stereo, Gym, & Tools in garage. And out of my 15X15 ft backyard..... Mostly pepper plants :dance:
  6. Kendog

    Question about applying epsom salt

    HawaiiAl - Couldn't get site to launch. Maybe server is just busy. Patrick your link is for health benefits (not for plants) for humans. :( HawaiiAl is there another link you have that works? I would be interested on how often they state to spray it and how early do you spray.
  7. Kendog

    Job position dilemma

    My suggestion is do whatever makes you happy. Have you been to all the places? How are the people? What the pay like? Whenever I am confused to do I go back to the good old brain storming. Make a list with pros and cons. Find out which one would be more beneficial. Yes the midwest weather...
  8. Kendog

    Plant hardiness website

    I live in Zone 5a. I was always told its safe after Mother's day to plan (which is May 8). Seems fairly accurate since it states may 1-10. Temps look fairly normal. Thanks for the site. Gave me something to do at work :) .
  9. Kendog

    Root Oxygen: For the newbie growers only. lol

    Thanks for the post. I guess it still holds true that you learn something new everyday.
  10. Kendog

    Would a fisherman who fish for a living, like fish? or is that too fishy? fish!

    mmmm... Talapia Orange Roughy White Bass Cant wait to go out fishing. That is what summer is all about. Fishing and growing peppers :)
  11. Kendog

    seeds i have my seed..but

    I planted a wide variety from habs to superhots. I did the paper towel thing until they just started to sprout. Put them in within a few days of each other. Almost all habs came up within 3 days. Its been just over 2 1/2 weeks and I got my first bhut to come up. Some other superhots took...
  12. Kendog

    Real chilehead?

    I guess you gotta give it time to grow. It didn't even open its eyes yet! :)
  13. Kendog

    Weber Genesis E-310

    I have an older version of the 320. Burner was on the left. I love the grill. Ive had it for only 2 years so far and although I keep the cover on there is no rust. Grill cooks like the 1st day I bought it. One thing I could not stand about other girls are flare ups. I rarely get them on...
  14. Kendog

    zwack vs jagermiester

    Jager > Zwack. I had Zwack rep let some of my friends and I try it for a pre-bachlor party last year. 4 out of the 5 of us love Jager. Even with them giving us a free sample and free T-Shirts I wouldn't buy the stuff. They even came back and asked us if we wanted a 2nd round. None of us...
  15. Kendog

    HELP! Mold Problems!

    Your soil is WAY TOO WET. Also these in one of those greenhouse kits? I had issues with mold before growing it in a container and had it covered with cling wrap. Mold went away after I uncovered it. Put a fan on low for a bit. After a few days the smell and mold went away. The top of the...
  16. Kendog

    seeds Seed starter

    I had issues with using the jiffy discs. After 2 weeks some of the plants ended up shriveling up and dying or stopped growing. Other plants were doing fine. I started to transplant some of them and noticed that the top 1/2 inch of soil was fine. The rest of the pot was rock hard. I used...
  17. Kendog

    chinense is it dangerous to eat bhut jolokia??

    Outch... Yeah that could hurt. Maybe you should have built up a tolerance to that as well. I saw an episode on some UK TV show Goron Ramsay had where woman rubbed them in her eyes. I couldn't believe it. Here is the link Fubar if your ready to give it a shot again make sure you bring your...
  18. Kendog

    the person below me

    True. But I am drinking my 1st cup of coffee. Extra bold oh yeah.... TPBM Just killed a seedling. You Bastards! :)
  19. Kendog

    Take Your Best Guess Contest 2 Jars of Gold

    Thanks for the game! Had fun. -Ken
  20. Kendog

    Patrick's 2011 Grow Log

    Very nice looking plant Patrick. Keep up the good work!