OKay here it goes. Cook 2-3 cups of plain white rice, barrow a large shallow pan spread rice in a even layer, cover with some kind of wire barrier i use 1/4" hardware cloth to keep out rodents and cheese cloth to keep out dirt and bugs walk around were you have a healthy stand of plants growing a microbe hot-spot. collect leaf and some soil from a foot beneath the ground take this litter and soil back to your rice pan.keep it on the ground in the shade.place litter on top of it.keep it moist not wet,let set for 7-8 Days after 7 days look under the cloth you should fine a colorful array of fungi growing on your rice. Remove the leaf litter discard. scrape the rice into a 5 gal bucket,add raw sugar or molasses 1 part sugar to 3 parts rice fill bucket with water non-chlorinated that will give you a lot of Indigenous MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI ,Strain out solids you can dilute this solution 20-1 with non-chlorinated water. I use molasses as it works better for me have made with raw cane sugar from the sugar mill too.I like the sweetness it adds to tomato's good growing and have fun. Alex
ps: try it you will like it. if anyone has questions please feel free to ask
pss; put 2 tbsp of this along with 2 tbsp lacto ,2 tbsp of fish extract. 2 tbsp sea weed extract and 2 tbsp of home made calcium in a gal of water and you have the best damn EM-1 in the world.and all live bacteria