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  1. rickster

    this weather sucks!!!!!

    last Saturday it was 63 in Dallas. wtf
  2. rickster

    food who got brunch?

    i used to have a 1982 brat, loved that little truck
  3. rickster

    Returning Newbie from North Texas

    i live in McKinney !!! need to trade peppers some time
  4. rickster

    Planted Out

    i will be down there at the end of June for the drag boat races!!!!
  5. rickster

    monk sauce

  6. rickster

    days to maturity

    makes sense. thanks
  7. rickster

    days to maturity

    so if it says a plant takes 180 days to maturity, at what point would that start at? from the time it gets its first set of true leaves or what?
  8. rickster

    Can someone link me a good PH tester?

    i would like to find one that will also read npk.
  9. rickster

    outdoors a fishing thread

    been tough crappie fishing on lake lavon this year as well
  10. rickster

    Beginner tomato questions

    night temps above 50 is ok i prune suckers at first flowers yes, you can use leaves, shredded tree trimmings or box store mulch. when re potting, plant about 70-80 % of plant in ground.
  11. rickster

    travel Travel suggestions (US)?

    second the pacific northwest. Portland,Seattle are cool places to visit
  12. rickster

    new m&m's

    they have much heat to them?
  13. rickster

    new m&m's

    anyone tried the new chili nut m&m's yet?
  14. rickster

    nutrients BLS, nute deficiency or simply over watered???

    more rain coming tonight
  15. rickster

    yellowing leaves while fruiting pods

    i would give it some fish emulsion. 
  16. rickster

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

  17. rickster

    happy 4-20

    lets get this day started off right :high:
  18. rickster

    The Things One Does Once, and Once Only

    take a big bite of a reaper. :mouthonfire:
  19. rickster

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    ride the lighting