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  1. rickster

    Need help with some runts

    i  trimmed the bad leafs off and sprayed with a copper fungicide. mine seem to be feeling much better.
  2. rickster

    dehydrators Hamilton Beach Dehydrator with digi timer

    2 hrs max? i used mine last weekend  to dry pods and set it at 30hrs.
  3. rickster

    lime juice

    when water bath canning salsa, do you use bottled lime juice or fresh squeezed lime juice or does it matter?
  4. rickster

    dehydrators Hamilton Beach Dehydrator with digi timer

    i have the exact same one. it was free so i took it. use it all the time, i like the programmable timer.
  5. rickster

    pests My aphid holocaust...newb fixing mistakes

    i use liquid lemon scented joy dish soap. about 1 cup in a hose end sprayer. spray every thing in sight. early morning or at late afternoon. aphids be gone the next day.
  6. rickster

    How to tell hot peppers ripe

    a lot just depends on the pepper. most will go from green to some shade of red.  if im not sure about a pepper, i will let it grow until it starts to get a little soft.  jalapenos will be green when ready or turn red when past ready. if the pepper is say a yellow scorpion, then you know it needs...
  7. rickster

    organic Jobes water soluble organic fert

    wally world by me has the same stuff on sale. picked up 3 boxes for about 6 bucks. the jobes take a few minutes to break down and dissolve in the water. haven't really noticed any difference in my plants because they all ready looked good. it reminds me of a compost tea.but for 2 bucks a box i...
  8. rickster

    price for powders?

    i will making some powders this weekend, some friends want to buy some from me but im not sure what to charge them, any ideas?
  9. rickster

    container Containers vs. Raised Beds

    i use wally bags and grow in the ground wally bags- seem to be bigger plants. must water everyday this time of year. can be moved to more shade in summer. ground plants- a little smaller, holds water and nutes much longer. have to use shade cloth.
  10. rickster

    Dehydration question

    i dehydrated j.peach ghost scorps over the weekend, 120f , cut in half, about 30hrs. still keep a good color to them. made a killer powder
  11. rickster

    Slight leak during water bath canning

    I hot bath some salsa and 2 of the jars fell over. Had a slight leak, tops sealed good. Any ideas why the leakage? Will they still have a shelf life?
  12. rickster

    Was labeled Trinidad Scorpion; Shape is Off; Some Wicked Stingers

    looks kinda like a jays peach ghost scorp
  13. rickster

    preservation How much vinegar or lime

    Making some fresh reaper salsa today. Gonna try for the first time at canning. How much vinegar and or lime juice should I use to make a blender full? About 6 cups or 48 oz.want to keep the vinegar taste to a minimum.
  14. rickster

    Blossom End Rot in Banana Peppers?

    i live in mckinney
  15. rickster

    Bought some Red Hab's

    sounds like a Caribbean red.
  16. rickster

    the drummer from steel panther."stix zedinia"

    the drummer from steel panther."stix zedinia"
  17. rickster

    Breathing problems while making sauce

    i made some powder yesterday in the garage. being about 100 inside the garage i had the fan on. even with the fan on i was still sweating, when i opened the grinder, the fan blow powder on my arm and stuck to the sweat. i washed my arm 3 times and it still burned for 2 hours after. wont do that...
  18. rickster

    What is this color change on my young bhut pods?

    i had the first reaper on off my plant last week. probably should have giving it a few more days. flavor had a hint of "still green" but hotter then hell
  19. rickster

    yellow scorpions

    nothing to be sorry about, i mixed up the seeds i guess.
  20. rickster

    yellow scorpions

    when yellow scorpions are ripening, do they go from green straight to yellow? i have one plant that i thought i planted as  a yellow scorpion, but the only ripe pod is red?