I got the first 7 DIY Dutch buckets made.
It's been raining pretty hard all week so I haven't been able to get the perlite in them. I believe we're supposed to have some sunshine this weekend so hopefully I can get that knocked out.
Got the Annuums and Baccatums potted up last night and hit the group with a Gnatrol soil drench. The gnat population seems to have drastically declined but I'm not letting up on those little bastards. :-) They already took a toll on my my tray of peppers so there will be no sympathy.
Thanks Trident. Topping was definitely my least favorite part of this grow. I had a White Devil's Tongue that had some major leaf curl issues a few weeks ago. I topped it and pruned all the curled leaves and it looks like a completely different plant now. She's a lot smaller but VERY bushy. I'll...
So this past weekend was definitely a busy one. The to-do list now looks like this:
Pot up tomatoes and broccoli
Pot up Annuums and Baccatums
Top the majority of my Chinenses
Prep Dutch Bucket system
Move DWC/LPA plants over to Dutch Bucket
Starting to get a fungus gnat problem. I've read...
It looks like they're getting in through a small little gap in the basement window. There was a pile roughly 15 or so on the window when I got home. They definitely weren't there a few days ago when I checked the window. I vacuumed then up in my bagless vacuum and dumped them outside. I opened...
Hydro update - pics taken 3/31
Group Shot
7P Bubblegum
7P Douglah
So I have a pretty big to-do list for my plants right now. Good thing I have a long weekend coming up:
Pot up tomatoes and broccoli
Pot up Annuums and Baccatums
Top the majority of my Chinenses
Yea... so in the last week I have found 6 bees, some dead some alive, hanging out around my peppers in the basement! Haha. I have no idea how the hell they're getting in. The majority of our basement walls and rim joists are spray foamed shut. It really hasn't been all that warm here in Ohio...
Yea my hydro leafs and stems are insanely big! They're getting so big in the LPA bin that I'm probably going to have to more them to a dutch bucket setup this week if I can get it all setup.
Thanks guys. Hope everyone has a successful season. I can't want to get my ladies outside in the sun.
The second picture is of the Devil's Tongue White. I've pretty much been having problems with leaf curl with this plant only for a while. Here's a thread I posted about it. It seems as though that variety is somewhat sensitive. Others are having problems with it showing leaf curl as well.
Took some pics of the ladies enjoying their new 1 gallon nursery pots:
The majority of them are doing just fine. There are a few that are showing some signs of stress like yellowing leafs and leaf drop. There's three that I believe are trying to flower. I posted some pics in this...
I just recently (Tuesday) potted up the my older plants from solo cups to 1 gallon nursery pots. The majority of them a doing just fine. I did notice 3 plants appears to be forming buds:
Am I crazy or does it appear that these ladies are trying to flower? Oddly enough the three plants in...