• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Duston 2015 Glog

This year is my first year that I am going all in. I've helped with the family garden in the past but I would say I am pretty new to peppers for the most part. I've done a lot of research in the past few months regarding next year's approach. Here's what I have came up with so far:
  • I am planning on growing roughly 120 pepper plants of differing breeds and heat levels. Roughly 50% of the plants with be Jalapeno or lower for the rest of the family and friends.
  • I am planning on doing a the bulk of the plants in the garden.
  • As an experiment I am toying with 1 plant in DWC (5 gallon bucket), 1 plant in "fogponics" (5 gallon bucket) and 6 plants in a DIY low pressure aeroponics system (27 gallon tote). I may scrap the "fogponics" idea mainly because I'm not hearing good reviews about it and go with a drip or DTW.
  • I'd like to put the hydro outdoors to avoid having to upgrade my light old T8 light fixtures. I'm going to take measures to mitigate temperature issues in the summer. I'm still research that... 
  • Also, I plan on overwintering a few of my favorite plants to get a jump on 2016.
Here's my grow list for 2015:
7 Pot / Trinidad Douglah
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow
7 Pot Bubblegum
Bhut Jolokia
Big Sun Habanero
California Wonder Bell
Carolina Reaper 
Cheiro Recife
Chocolate Habanero
Early Jalapeno
Fatalii Yellow
Fort Knox Hybrid Bell
Inca Red Drop
Long Red Slim Cayenne
Magnum Orange Habanero
Mako Akokasrade
Prik Chi Faa
Santa Fe Grande
Scotch Bonnet Yellow
Tangerine Dream
Tequila Sunrise
Thai Dragon
Tobago Seasoning
Trinidad Chocolate Scorpion
Trinidad Congo
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion
I started germinating my Capsicum Chinense seeds via the ziplock/paper towel method. Most of those seeds were started on 1/18 with the exception of Mako Akokasrade and Tobago Seasoning which I received after I started the others. The Mako Akokasrade and Tobago Seasoning seeds were started on 1/20. 
On 1/26 I planted 4 varieties (7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow, Cheiro Recife, Magnum Orange Habanero, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion) that sprouted into pre-soaked expanded peat disks. I planted 2 or 3 sprouted seeds in each disk to attempt to avoid an empty disk if a seed fails to pop through the surface.
On 1/28 I noticed I had 4 other varieties (7 Pot / Trinidad Douglah, 7 Pot Bubblegum, Bhut Jolokia, Scotch Bonnet Yellow) that had 1 seed that had sprouted well ahead of the other seeds in the ziplock. I decided they would be the lucky ones to get to be part of the hydro experiment. They got moved over to some pre-soaked rockwool. 
I'll keep everyone updated on my progress.
Thanks guys! I am some concerned now about having to pot up sooner than anticipated and running out of space. I'm considering building a cold frame or hoop house to get them outside sooner rather than later.
Looks like it's time to pot up:

I found a local Craiglist add that is selling 1 gallon nursery pots for $0.25 each. Hopefully I get a call back from them soon.
Potted up 50ish plants last night... that was a hell of a chore:

It definitely should have been done sooner thought. The vast majority of them were becoming root bound or there. Hopefully that doesn't set me back. We shall see...
Took some pics of the ladies enjoying their new 1 gallon nursery pots:


The majority of them are doing just fine. There are a few that are showing some signs of stress like yellowing leafs and leaf drop. There's three that I believe are trying to flower. I posted some pics in this thread to get confirmation.
My annuums and baccatums are catching up to the chins. They need potted up shortly.

My tomatoes and broccoli are kicking ass as well. They'll need to be potted up into solo cups shortly as well.

I got my first artichoke to pop. I was a little worried that I screwed up the vernalization process. Apparently they just seem to be taking longer than the tomatoes and broccoli. 
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
yeah, those hydro leaves get pretty big don't they!
Yea my hydro leafs and stems are insanely big! They're getting so big in the LPA bin that I'm probably going to have to more them to a dutch bucket setup this week if I can get it all setup.
tsurrie said:
wow man, mine are just stems compared to these beauties... nice work!
Yellowfin2na said:
Those look great!
Thanks guys. Hope everyone has a successful season. I can't want to get my ladies outside in the sun. 
Hydro update - pics taken 3/31
Group Shot





7P Bubblegum




7P Douglah


So I have a pretty big to-do list for my plants right now. Good thing I have a long weekend coming up:
Pot up tomatoes and broccoli
Pot up Annuums and Baccatums
Top the majority of my Chinenses
Prep Dutch Bucket system
Move DWC/LPA plants over to Dutch Bucket
Starting to get a fungus gnat problem. I've read several threads on FG issues on here and my plan of action is to hit them with a dose of AzaMax followed by a top layer of Diatomaceous Earth in the pots, yellow sticky pads and dunks in all future waterings. This is officially WAR!
PaulS said:
Those roots are crazy long!
Plants look really happy
Yea funny story, right as I checked the root system on that one I actually said out loud to myself "I wonder what the root sy - HOLY SHIT!"
dustonj2008 said:
Yea funny story, right as I checked the root system on that one I actually said out loud to myself "I wonder what the root sy - HOLY SHIT!"
HaHa! I guess growing using hydro allows the roots to grow longer and quicker and with no soil hiding them they are even more visible